Blake Edwards’ “The Great Race” (from 1965) featured the largest pie fight ever filmed. Over 4,000 pies thrown during the five days of filming – costing $200,000 ($1,642,450 in today’s dollars) to shoot; $18,000 ($147,820) just for the pastry alone.
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>For continuity between days of shooting, the actors were photographed at the end of each day and then made up the following morning to have the same colorful appearance, the same smears of pie crust and filling.
>But when shooting was halted while the actors took the weekend off, **the pie residue spoiled all over the scenery**. When the actors returned Monday morning, **the set stank so badly that the building required a thorough cleaning and large fans to blow out the sour air**. The missing pie residue was recreated carefully with more pies, and shooting resumed.
I had totally forgotten about this movie and the pie fight!!!
4000 pies costing $200,000 that’s $50 each in 1965$s per pie, sounds like bullshit to me.🤣