Mr. Rogers surprising Eddie Murphey after a knock on his SNL dressing room door while our neighbor was in studio for a taping of Letterman 1982
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Mr. Rogers surprising Eddie Murphey after a knock on his SNL dressing room door while our neighbor was in studio for a taping of Letterman 1982
View Reddit by Brave_Moustache – View Source
Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 2 times.
First Seen [Here]( on 2019-12-06 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here]( on 2019-12-06 98.44% match
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Mr. Rogers *AND* Mr. Robinson. 🙂
I love this so much.
At first blush, 1982 Eddie Murphy doesn’t seem like the kind of person Mr. Rogers would appreciate. Then I remembered, he appreciated everybody all the time.
“Fuck yo couch!”—Mr. Rogers
Cocaine is a hell of a drug. – Mr. Rogers
Love this
Fred looking like Emperor Palpatine of the East
I’ve met and worked with Mr. Rogers. I can assure you Fred and Eddie got along famously.
Fred is good with everyone. It’s his special power.
Mr Robinson!
I love this. Mr Rogers was a hero of mine as a kid in the hood. That man crossed all barriers we loved him so much. Despite hard times financially in our community. Mr Rogers show was a positive bright spot. Eddie was also loved as a kid.
Seeing him become a legend like Mr Rogers already was is a beautiful thing. Eddie loved Mr Rogers. We all did! I never met 1 person who didn’t like Mr Rogers and I don’t want to. Rest in Heaven, Mr Rogers ❤️💐