Friday, January 31All That Matters

Want your infant back? PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! Volkswagen does the unthinkable


  • Volkswagen issued a mea culpa, and backed it up by giving free subscriptions to all 2020-2023 VM owners: [](

    It does not make it better, but the fact that they immediately responded with something that was worth a fair chunk of money to them makes it at least look like a mistake (whether that mistake was outsourcing or having untrained employees).

    I would appreciate them explaining how this happened, and how they can make sure it does not happen again, but the “we will give everyone a free subscription for 5 years” at least makes it so that this exact problem will not come up again in the next few years…

  • I think the only possibility that isn’t addressed here is that the service center that received that call could be outside of the US, and due to different language and culture, I could see this happening. They probably didn’t even understand why what they did was wrong. Also someone in that situation would not have 9.99 to put on the account to enable it because they probably make that a week in these scenarios.

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