Rail Baron was disconnected in the 70’s and I have one that’s in amazing condition. Best board game ever made
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Rail Baron was disconnected in the 70’s and I have one that’s in amazing condition. Best board game ever made
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Avalon Hill was a superb game creator. I had a pristine copy of CIRCVS MAXIMVS until a few years ago. I had some minor regret about selling it, but the guy who bought turned it into an amazing tabletop setup.
Ayn Rand killed railroad empires.😉
Many of the old box games were really amazing.
Some of my old school favorites…
Circus Maximus – a great beer and pretzels chariot racing game
Wood Ships, Iron Men – Napoleonic naval
And so many more.
I still have Panzer Leader and Starship Troopers
It looks like it’s a valuable game. Around $100 in decent condition. This one might be a bit less