Sunday, March 9All That Matters

Most erotic prelude to a sex scene ever (For Y’ur Height Only) (basically SFW)


  • Description as taken from [IMDB](

    “The 1981 Manila International Film Festival was designed by First Lady Imelda Marcos as an elaborate showcase of Filipino culture. To everyone’s horror, the only film that sold to the world was a midget spy film – a miniature mockery of Western pop iconography, and a joyously naïve celebration of Filipino Goon Cinema – called ‘For Y’ur Height Only’. Its star, a two-foot nine stuntman named Weng Weng, became the most famous Filipino celebrity of his generation both inside the Philippines and abroad.


    It’s hard to pin down the appeal of ‘For Y’ur Height Only’ – whether it’s the inadvertently genius deconstruction of both Western action films and their Pinoy counterparts, surreal pot-addled dubbing by American expats (and Apocalypse Now survivors) Jim Gaines and Nick Nicholson, or inspired casting of every Bad Guy (or “Goon”) still alive at the time, and the James Bond of the Philippines himself, Tony Ferrer aka Agent X44, as Weng Weng’s boss. It all adds up to an absurdist masterpiece of gloriously bad cinema, one which was sold all over the world and became one of the Philippines’ most successful exports.”

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