Should we say something to Link?? He’s already got a major drunk lean on that counter… March 4, 2023 at 1:53 pm Reply
And this one makes you feel like you’re a giant Italian plumber, with super powers! Shits wild! March 4, 2023 at 2:23 pm Reply
Hey buddy, how about a trip to the extra level? No climbing through pipes to get there just 100 crystals. So whadda you say, zelda? March 4, 2023 at 6:56 pm Reply
Hello mushroom seller. I’m going into battle and I need your strongest mushrooms March 4, 2023 at 7:05 pm Reply
You should cross post this to r/shrooms I’m sure they would appreciate it too. March 4, 2023 at 7:17 pm Reply
That Zelda poster in the back intrigues me. You have a source/closeup? March 4, 2023 at 11:55 pm Reply
Link: Do you have a Deku shield? Toad: What’s a Deku? Link: Smashes Deku Nut on the ground. *Flash* Toad: Where did he go? Why are all my pots broken? March 5, 2023 at 12:17 am Reply
At first glance I thought this was a render. It would have been tough to discern if not for Link’s joints. Really good! March 5, 2023 at 4:03 am Reply
Oh god, I can hear the conversation…. “HYAAAAT!!!” “HELLO!” “HEEEYAH!” “HI!” “FEEEEEYYYUUT!” “MARIO!” March 5, 2023 at 8:43 am Reply
Lol the Blue Doom poster got me.
Should we say something to Link?? He’s already got a major drunk lean on that counter…
What’s the exchange rate of coins to rupees?
And this one makes you feel like you’re a giant Italian plumber, with super powers! Shits wild!
It’s time to get high link.
So…got any jars in the back?
How was this made?
Link is a real plastic figure. but Toad looks CG
I like the detail of the bottle being more expensive than the potions
Thought this was a screenshot of a Robot Chicken skit lol
‘You seem like a really fun guy!’
he then destroyed every clay pot in that store
Potion seller, I’m going into battle
Toad: “boof it”
Toad asked if he wants some head…
So that’s what Link meant by “eating some Fairy.”
This is awesome setup! So cool. Zelda poster..
This is dope as hell. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wow. 5 rupees for a shroom
Deal of a lifetime right there
“How hard it is?”
Pretty affordable shrooms there.
I love the Zelda portrait!
“Increased production is Ganon’s destruction” lol
Now I’m confused… are shrooms baby mushroom people?
He’s selling his kid?
Hey buddy, how about a trip to the extra level? No climbing through pipes to get there just 100 crystals. So whadda you say, zelda?
Hello mushroom seller. I’m going into battle and I need your strongest mushrooms
You should cross post this to r/shrooms I’m sure they would appreciate it too.
What’ll it be?
Spaghetti on the rocks haha
How did you make the little posters? Very cool
Awesome! 🍄🍄🍄
Shrooms are fun.
Great posing!
That Zelda poster in the back intrigues me. You have a source/closeup?
Link: Do you have a Deku shield?
Toad: What’s a Deku?
Link: Smashes Deku Nut on the ground. *Flash*
Toad: Where did he go? Why are all my pots broken?
Finally a good post
At first glance I thought this was a render. It would have been tough to discern if not for Link’s joints. Really good!
“Hey Toad, where the shit?!”
Looks amazing, how’d you make the diorama?
Oh god, I can hear the conversation….
Got any of them… Purple ones.?