Physical Switch collection so far. Top Row: Recent purchases. 2nd Row: Games I’ve beaten. 3rd Row: Multiplayer/Simulation. 4th Row: Backlog. Which games not listed do you enjoy the most?
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Physical Switch collection so far. Top Row: Recent purchases. 2nd Row: Games I’ve beaten. 3rd Row: Multiplayer/Simulation. 4th Row: Backlog. Which games not listed do you enjoy the most?
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Bayonetta 2 and 3. Mario & Rabbids games. Fire emblem three houses and engage. Astral Chain. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. Shin Megami Tensei V. Xenoblade chronicles 2 & 3. Triangle Strategy.
I personally would recommend pokken tournament DX. It is a very underrated multiplayer game. For single player, I would recommend a xenoblade, if you haven’t played xenoblade before I highly suggest xenoblade chronicles definitive edition. If you have, 2 or 3 or both are good pickups.
Paper Mario is very fun, either it be the PM64 on Nintendo 64, which you can play with the emulator on switch, or Origami King, for the switch. Both are nice honestly
Not listed that I enjoyed the most: Subnautica
Shoutout for the Violet in your backlog, I’ve been playing that one recently and really enjoying it
Nice! If you end up liking octopath traveler you would also like Bravely default 2! Unfortunately the first bravely default game is on the 3DS but the story from the first has nothing to do with the second. Also, Pokémon legends Arceus is a fantastic game but I’m sure you’ve heard of it
Xenoblade Chronicles 2, without a doubt. One of my most favorite (if not most favorite) games on the Switch.