After over 20 years I must have offended one too many English speakers with my spelling of “NeoDawg”
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After over 20 years I must have offended one too many English speakers with my spelling of “NeoDawg”
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What’s wrong with NeoDawg? Lol like for real.
There is nothing offensive about your name. Probably more along the lines of angry players, depending on what games you play, being salty about losing and reporting your gamer tag to try to make themselves feel better.
I don’t think English speakers care as there is nothing wrong with that name lol
My user is mindgoblin
It’s sneaky
I get into a match/lobby and say sum like:
‘Hey did you guys see the mind goblin in the new update trailer?’
And they’ll obviously be like:
Then I come in with the punch line and say:
‘Damn, well would you mindgoblin deez nutz 🎉
…. Shut up it’s funny 😠
Long toss to a reference involving Neo Nazism. But like I said, it’s a long toss
My name gets through some but not all, Ive used it for years. Best part, was old school battlefield or cod 2 servers….uh damnitDave you have to leave and change your name, and THEN come back….lol THIS IS A CHRISTIAN SERVER!!!
I wouldn’t be bothered really, people are too easily offended. they need to be a man and not be so weak. They did the same to me on swtor, my name had “Death” in it and they complained, a series known for an genocide on a planet scale, complaining about a username
Why would English-speakers be offended by this?
Don’t worry OP every Neodog has its day.
Should change ur name to OldeDawg
I changed my name to only numbers awhile back. I got a report that my username is offensive so they put it to user12293 something. I don’t complain i got a free rename token lol but it is still stupid