Dwarf Fortress, Caves of Qud, Zork (many text adventures actually), MUDs (Shadowlands …which I don’t think is a thing anymore. I actually telnetted in from the university computer lab)
Assassins Creed Black Flag. Played this last year and although clunky and graphics a bit dated now the ‘feel’ of the game remains and would recommend the game fully.
Driveclub probably
Total Annihilation
Fallout 3/nv
Star Fleet II. Amazing game, ASCII graphics.
Alien: Isolation
In my case, it’s Crash Team Racing (PSX)
Jet Set Radio Future
TF2 because I like the artstyle
RuneScape was cool
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Darkest Dungeon
The style is cool, but hardly “immersive” in graphical terms. Yet, the gameplay and tactical as well as story elements are highly absorbing.
That said, nothing beats Dwarf Fortress.
Kenshi, extremely dated graphics when it released and it was still a masterpiece
Dwarf Fortress, Caves of Qud, Zork (many text adventures actually), MUDs (Shadowlands …which I don’t think is a thing anymore. I actually telnetted in from the university computer lab)
Pac Man
Seven Kingdoms series
Age Of Empires series
Super Mario Bros 1-3
Tekken series
Age of empires 2
Remnant: From The Ashes
Mount and Blade: Warband. So amazing and addicting. I’d get Bannerlord if my laptop could handle it.
WWF No Mercy on the N64. My favorite combat mechanics ever.
Medal of honor pacific assault. Played in 2019
Most games… because graphics are almost always tertiary to good gameplay and narratives.
New little king story on psvita. It has good graphics but not like the games on the market now.
Civilization 1. Or maybe Dune 2. Close call.
Army Men Sarges Heroes and Bomberman on N64
Skate 3. It’s a masterpiece
Bound by flame and killer is dead.
Assassins Creed Black Flag. Played this last year and although clunky and graphics a bit dated now the ‘feel’ of the game remains and would recommend the game fully.
Darwinia, probably.
GTA San Andreas
The borderlands series (particularity number 2)
Whilst very important, frostpunk is great in many ways. Otherwise wolfenstein 3D is very addicting.
Fallout New Vegas
Skylanders Giants