Biden and Zelenskyy visit St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv.
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Biden and Zelenskyy visit St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv.
View Reddit by Saturn_Ecplise – View Source
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Big Bad Joe…..love this guy.
In all seriousness this could be used as a movie poster.
I see a rap album dropping in the future.
Politics aside.
This pic goes hard.
WW3 incoming
In all these photos being posted, Biden’s always looking away from the object in question.
Brandon at maximum Dark RN
Such a powerful photo.
[Here](https://i.imgur.com/trYJSxv.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/APTOPIX-Biden-US-Ukraine/3d124435c43d4e0d8876afe008d11629/6/0) is the source. Per there:
> US President Joe Biden, centre left, walks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Cathedral during an unannounced visit, in Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, Feb. 20, 2023. ([AP Photo/Evan Vucci](https://www.apimages.com/Search?query=%22evan+vucci%22&ss=10&st=kw&entitysearch=&toItem=24&orderBy=Newest&searchMediaType=excludecollections))
[Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.4557299,30.5222326,3a,90y,67.17h,96.46t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOJk2W_meubZ101G4qpYp3BJBAxWJolE_utaamh!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOJk2W_meubZ101G4qpYp3BJBAxWJolE_utaamh%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi5.7748747-ya229.95505-ro-2.5091012-fo100!7i7680!8i3840) this is via Google Street View.
So hypothetically, if there had been a missile strike or an attack on the city and the President was killed or injured in the attack, would that have been considered an act of war against the US? Or would it be some other sort of backlash as he is visiting an active warzone, but his country isn’t directly involved?
I still wish someone would get him to wear a suit….
The Dark Brandons
Biden should have held up a Bible (right side up, of course) for that photo op, to show Trump the right way to make a point.
Who’s the guy on the right looks like a badass
Straight outta Kyivton
What’s with all these photos taken from knee height
I’ve been to this place. There are a handful of very similar buildings together in a small radius. Absolutely beautiful. That aside – I can’t even imagine the rings of protection radiating out from these two. First, the two dudes who clearly are not going to be messed with. Then, hordes more protection in every which way, followed by who knows how many planes trains and automobiles.
I’m guessing that location in Kiev was the safest, most protected area in the world for a bit of time.
biden’s detail on the L b/g with the ultra oversized coat… clearly strapped to the tits low key.
I wonder what kind of weaponry the security detail on the left has under his jacket/shirt. Doesn’t look like only a vest to me…
Guy on the right open carrying though: that face says “don’t fuck with me”…
Straight Outta Crimea
I know the US presidents entire schedule today just from this sub
He probably thinks he’s at Disney Land
Maybe he find the time to do a flyover in Ohio when he gets back to the US.
This years hottest boyband.
Why their guards look like them
The USA needs to cap President age at 50. Like if you run first time at 46-49 you can only serve 1 term. I wanna a bunch of 40sumthings running for president. Not people with gray hair and no real skin in the 40years later game.
Looking for more graft…