“He is no longer a Buc.” Bruce Arians says Antonio Brown is off the team after leaving the field during today’s game.
"He is no longer a Buc." Bruce Arians says Antonio Brown is off the team after leaving the field during today’s game. from sports
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Whooaaa wtf
Can’t say he never got a second or third or fourth chance. AB will forever be man child
That was one of the most bizarre things I’ve seen in football. What set him off?
Bye Felicia
Love that he didn’t try to sugar coat it or put it more tactful. Plain and simple “he done” and “we won without him”.
I think brown needs to get a mental check up but what do I know
If you can’t go out on top, make sure you go out shirtless. Or something like that.
My god that’s Jerry’s music!
Self destruction
He shouldn’t be playing in the NFL. Period.
I just can’t believe it didn’t work out for him. He has such a good work history.
[Video of incident](https://twitter.com/mmmmillah/status/1477733392611524616?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1477733392611524616%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsports.yahoo.com%2Fshirtless-antonio-brown-leaves-field-mid-game-after-throwing-gear-into-stands-202136634.html)
You would have to think that’s it for AB but also it’s the NFL so he’ll probably be on the Jags roster by Tuesday
[Never forget.](https://www.businessinsider.com/antonio-brown-fart-video-former-doctor-unpaid-bills-2019-9?amp)
So the fake vaccination card wasn’t enough?
Even [this guy](https://mobile.twitter.com/TheRealOJ32/status/1477741531607879681) thinks AB’s behavior was inexcusable.
Remember when Arians said “one wrong move and he’s gone?
Arians sacrificed his integrity and made a liar out of himself in order to chase the wins that he thought Antonio Brown would give him, and Brown, recognizing that no one will hold him accountable for any of his nonsense, reacted predictably.
If Brown needs help, and I think he does, he needs help outside of football, because he’s not going learn good behavior when there are no consequences for bad.
Anyone know what triggered him to do this?
Hold on Bruce, Did you talk to your boss Brady to make sure he’s okay with Brown being done with the team. Id hate to see him have to backtrack again on AB
I’d like to announce AB is no longer on my team [Fantasy] as well.
Did Arians check with Brady to be sure that was alright to say?
Antonio Clown back at it again
One of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen during a game and I watched Randy Moss pretend to pull his pants down and rub his ass on the Green Bay packers field goal post celebrating a touchdown live
Antonio Brown really the best example of a talented guy fucking things up for himself not being able to control himself, even notoriously problematic guys like TO and Randy Moss got it together or had it together at some point but AB for whatever reason has always been volatile
Edit: a lot of dimestore psychology and 99 cent store Dr Houses in these comments trying to psychoanalyze AB and blame the Burfict hit in 2015 for his personality issues but these guys are speaking directly out of their ass or parroting some article they read, AB had the same attitude problems in college and with the Steelers before that hit
He is a good player but it’s not worth having him on your team given his off the field antics
Flip phone coverage
Just watch, that dude will be on Dancing With the Stars next season.
Honestly I don’t think he should get off that easy. You brought him back dude. You knew who he was. AND YOU LET HIM OFF THE HOOK
AB was a bad seed in high school. Everyone blaming this behavior on a hit is giving him a pass, he always been this way!
I’m surprised Arians didn’t give him a third shot. Arians such a piece of shit
Is it just me or does Arians kinda look like a brother to both Mickey Rourke and John Travolta?
This is my shocked face
I would be surprised if he ever plays pro football again.
In other news I’d like to introduce our new wide receiver, Lantonio White.
Until of course… you need a WR again
Wouldn’t be surprised if the Rams picked him up just to b consistent
It’s sad how he’ll be remembered for his antics when he was on a hall of fame trajectory
Dude has talent but is a POS. He’s had issues all along but has been given chance after chance. I hope he’s done- once and for all.
Hope AB gets the help he needs
This man was a potential hall of fame candidate. He had a 6 year stretch that was absolutely insane like Jerry Rice level of insane and then just imploded
What a bizarre and petty way to throw your whole career away. I can understand and even respect a Walmart employee ripping off his reflector vest and saying fuck this I’m out, but the guy was making a little more than that.
It’s not up to Bruce. It’s the gm decision. Doesn’t matter though he’s gonna get paid.
What else is he supposed to say?