U.S. military has just shot down the Chinese spy airship over the Atlantic Ocean after letting it fly over the country for days
NOW – U.S. military has just shot down the Chinese spy airship over the Atlantic Ocean after letting it fly over the country for days.pic.twitter.com/1roYrb30uE
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) February 4, 2023
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Honestly don’t see what all the drama was about. Not like this thing was collecting any more data than satellites can and already doing constantly.
You mean they waited until it was impossible for it to land on any kids head to shoot it down??
All this time it was just a whimsical balloonist who wanted to go around the world in 80 days.
I wonder why they waited for it to cross the U.S. when they knew about it long before it broke in the media? We will never know.
About fuckin time
Should we have let it just fall on some people? Some of you may die…but that’s a chance we’re willing to take.
We can tolerate everything, but spying over South Carolina? That’s the red line, man!
scared of a weather balloon
Spy ballon.. but it’s there for a while with communication devices.. am I missing something? It must have accomplished what it supposed to spy on.
Why anyone let this SPY balloon stay that long ? I know people’s safety and all. It’s not like it will rain down fire .. we can just say people take cover .. stay home.. look up and move away etc.. but letting a SPY balloon stay that long is bad decision
It was 60k feet in the air. If we destroyed it while it was over land, it would have felt like mini-bombs everywhere a piece landed. There would be nowhere to take cover because it would have destroyed everything it landed on.
We can only hope that the clever pentagon folk quickly mocked up some super scary hyper advanced looking bulsa wood built military hardware, for the chinese to film and spy on at 60,000′; and that’s why the govt didn’t blast the MOFO out of the sky earlier …
Worked brilliantly for Churchhill WW2 ….
“Give war a chance” lol…
Lol what are these headlines? The media is such dog shit
OP isn’t a fan of Biden or prudence.
I think its purpose was to test our missiles. since we sent one at it to boom it