Structural Engineer: Hold my beer (OC)
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Structural Engineer: Hold my beer (OC)
View Reddit by danthoms – View Source
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That’s the yoga instructor’s house.
These are cantilevered, right? The supports are just for extra stability?
It’s all good until a pissed off Mel Gibson comes along with his truck and a chain.
Haha it’s like Bojack Horsemans house… a visual metaphor for insecurity.
Paging Michael de Santa
Living in an earthquake-prone area, that makes me a bit nervous.
I mean, the math is straightforward. House weighs X, beams support X, it all works out.
The problem is always going to be the hill. It was stable when the house was built, but will it *always* be stable? How deep did they sink those footers to support the beams that support the house?
Check out Bosch on Amazon Prime for the view from a house like that.
This remind anyone else of GTA?
No thanks.
I drove hundreds of times on the 101 between Hollywood and Studio City and I never noticed the houses on stilts until my mom mentioned it. I am sure she partied in the hills during the 70s and 80s.
Lethal Weapon? 😁
Truss me, this will hold.
As a structural engineer I can tell you that this isn’t very hard at all and I could probably do these calculations drunk…
I used to drive by this building a couple times a week. Formerly the now bankrupt Lamar Construction Co headquarters, it’s currently some engineering firm I think. Largest cantilevered structure in the US
Currently in architecture study, I proposed that in one of my project, my teacher told me to fuck off because it’s too hard to do. Lol.
Also Geotechnical Engineer…that slope 😱
Is this a series of unfortunate events?
So much unused ugly space underneath.
I think I’ve been standing under these houses in GTAV?

He mus have played GTA V and thought the only way it can come down is a truck and chain
I would never be able to get a good night’s rest sleeping in either of those houses. Fuck that.
Works great until it doesn’t
Is this a GTAV screenshot?
Funny thing is, I’ve never seen these kind of structures outside of California, a place that’s prone to having earthquakes and landslides.
Earthquake: lol mmmkbye
Finally, a house where installing a usable trap door can be a DIY project.
Bojack Horseman theme is playing somehwere
Why don’t they just fill that empty volume in with more house? Like a couple more floors under the current main level? Seems like it would be a nice setup with more windows / good views on every floor. Something tells me money isn’t a big issue in this area.
some say cant, other say cantilever
Hang on I know what to do, I saw it in GTA.
Y’all remember that GTA 5 mission?