There was a time in human history where gratuitous soda advertising and female motorcycle fighting occupied the same space
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There was a time in human history where gratuitous soda advertising and female motorcycle fighting occupied the same space
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Immediately recognized Torque. Jesus this movie…
This is where civilization peaked.
X-treme! Static-X! Where was I to miss this r worded movie?
The year was 2004. My dad’s boss was having his employees’ families over for a BBQ, all of the lads became fast friends over some Halo 4v4 on console link. At dinner time we watched some Red Vs Blue on their PC, since they had cable internet and hadn’t experienced that masterpiece. The feature film of the night was Torque, and it was fantastic.
Oh wow, that scene was…from a real thing
That movie was straight crystal meth, but even crazier is that the [Y2K Jetbike exists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX564jON6KU)!
I need me a chick like that
I love soda, fast motorcycles, and hot women. But that was just ridiculous.
If anyone is interested, I actually rode my sportbike to this movie to watch it opening night.
This was Denver in ’04.
I rode up with a group of guys, probably ten of us.
We went into the theater and left a girl (one of my friend’s sister) to watch our bikes.
After watching the most ridiculous movie we’d ever seen in our lives, we come walking back out.
I would estimate that roughly forty motorcycles had been parked in the lot when we went in.
When we came out it was only our group of bikes and about two others, both laying on their sides.
The others had been loaded into moving vans and stolen.
When we asked the sister what happened she dutifully noted that the guy that came up to her and advised her he was here to load up the marketing prop bikes that these where personally owned bikes belonging to brother and his friends. He thanked her and “only” loaded up the other motorcycles in the lot.
In retrospect, it was a brilliant crime. They knew a load of bikes would be there. They knew when all the owners would be in the movie, and when they would leave. So they had plenty of time to load up the bikes in panel vans.
One of the guys who’s bike got stolen ended up riding with us a few months later (on another bike) and told us he was able to track some of the parts of his bike to Mexico a few weeks later. They’d all been chopped to parts, frames dumped, and sold in Mexico.
Also, the cringiest scene in that movie was a bunch of sport bikes riding across open dirt fields in formation. It’s almost like the stunt guys, when they were spooning on dirt bike tires to the sport bikes, would have at least mentioned to the director how insane the scene was. Guess not.
When I look back on it now, I realize that the movie wasn’t FOR twenty-something year old guys with motorcycles. It was a Fast and the Furious knockoff created to make ten year olds fist pump and scream “YEAAAAHH!!”. I suspect it worked for that.
I know that when I was that kid I saw a movie with motorcycles that was even crazier than anything Torque attempted.
Please let me share with you this clip of the greatest absurdist motorcycle scene ever filmed:
[Megaforce – 1982](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLwe7UqUX7k)
Did my ten year old fist pump? You’re goddam right.
This damn near broke my brain.
i could not finish this video.
Best thing about this movie was how confident it was about being better than Fast and the Furious.
I thought the female motorcycling fighting was good enough, but I’m glad I stayed around for the supersonic male motorcycling fight even though I’m pretty sure that guy that hit a ramp would have reached orbit at that speed (ok, he wouldn’t). Also, why wouldn’t you just start with the knife? Like you have a knife and you’re in a motorcycle fight….what are you saving the knife for?
But how am I supposed to know who the bad guys are
Is that Push It by Static X?
Wow I forgot. Torque was a very dumb movie.
I loved this movie growing up. The commentary was even better because all the actors were just laughing at how ridiculous this film was. They were all self-aware that it’s just a popcorn flick not meant to be taken seriously.
And people make fun of Bollywood lol.
This is the example I have used for years about product placement. It’s probably the most ridiculous product placement ever. They just didn’t care when they made this. They knew exactly what they were doing; counting huge piles of cash.
Hard to believe this monster is almost 20 years old.
The 2000s were indeed bland and awful.
It was considered cheesy when it came out too.
Adam Scott was in this movie. This is why his guest appearances on all the F&F How Did This Get Made episodes are so good.
Love me some static-x
“Going somewhere?” ~Pepsi “don’t go anywhere without a Pepsi! The drink on the go to quench your thirst on the go!”
“You want some of this, bitch?” ~Mountain Dew “Bitches love our Mountain Dew. Get your bitch a Mountain Dew.”
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask” ~the Pepsi vs Mountain Dew taste test of 2004.
Now, I can’t sleep.
Torque and Biker Boyz are gems in my book
The Wikipedia plot section of this movie sounds like it was written by a teenager right after watching it and they needed to write a report on it.
And people laugh at bollywood movies…
You know what? I think I’ve been too judgemental on Bollywood. At least with their movies we get banging music and a fire dance routine at the end.
He… launched off of a tow vehicle, did a backflip toin order to block bullets with the bottom of his motorcycle… this is one wild documentary.
I miss the 2000s.
Me at the beginning watching the women bike fight: ok yeah this is definitely the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
Me by the end of the video when the dude is blasted by the explosion and the tram wheel comes to a stop resting on his face: YYYYEEEEEAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!