I’ve made this one using only thread and nails
View Reddit by Hlantaart – View Source
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I’ve made this one using only thread and nails
View Reddit by Hlantaart – View Source
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That is amazing
Absolutely brilliant. You are a true artist with amazing imagination. I wish you great success!
This is so brilliant….you have a very imaginative mind
If you were to rub your hand over it what would it feel like
Fucking Awesome
i made my favorite teams logo in this style once… look like shit that a grade 5 couldve made. very impressed! did you do this by eye or did you have a reference photo? Was it all perfectly planned or adapted as you go?
When your art game is so strong that you transcend traditional pleb media like paint and canvas.
This is incredible! I’ve spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out how you did this, like the layering and color combinations is just perfection
Spectacular work! Can you share with us how long this took you to create? Do you sell your pieces? What are the overall dimensions?
😱 thats absolutely stunning! Kudos to the amount of time in position you poured into this. I love the idea. I love the little person in the pupil. What a great focus of interest
Extremely creative!
James Bond vibe.
Is that Rod Sterling?
That belongs in a museum.
This another level
That’s amazing! Wow… such talent.
This looks amazing! Great job!
A horizontal view would be awesome along the height axis
I won’t deny that this is talented work but I can’t help but find something vaguely unsettling about it. There’s something trypophobia adjacent to it that I can’t quite put my finger on.
Very impressive 🤛🏻
Literally the eye of an artist! Impressive talent and vision !
Wow that’s insane. Looked at your page and your work is incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it.
At first I read that title as using only one thread and was like HOW?! Still amazing work!
Some people have more talent oozing out of one fingernail then I will ever have in my entire being.
You are very talented and created something truly unique, beautiful, and interesting to look at. Thank you for being part of this world.
How big is this?
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uelHwf8o7_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uelHwf8o7_U) Made me think of the chorus Eminem – Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
Ignoring the awesome talent required, this looks like a really fun way to “draw”. Zooming in on the eyelashes is what gave me that thought.
Nutty good. How long did it take you??