I found 2 concrete safes buried in my backyard. Can’t wait to see what treasures are hiding inside…
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I found 2 concrete safes buried in my backyard. Can’t wait to see what treasures are hiding inside…
View Reddit by twilling8 – View Source
You found DB Cooper’s stash !
I don’t have one but I’m guessing septic tank. Might find a gimp they like to break free and go for “a roll in the mud”.
Please report back on your findings 🤭💩
How are all the top comments about dead pets? Who buries their dead pet in a concrete tomb???
It’s def septic.
Oh there’ll be nuggets in there for sure
What is written on the tops? I tried zooming but it was a little unclear.
Get ready for a surprise!
What a shitty place to bury a safe
Oh shit!
You should open them and immediately stick your head in there
Shit deal
Aw shit, here we go again
If I ever find a safe I’m gonna wait and instantly post the follow up of nothing inside except Twinkies
There’s literally a shit ton of treasure in there. I just know it!
Is it Al Capone’s Vault?? Have we finally found Amelia Airheart? Or do we get disappointed again?? Sooo disappointed… Just Like you Figgus! Sounds like a show idea for Archer?
It. Be shit lad
You just happened to dig 2 random holes perfectly around the area of the buried object and only about 18” down ?
Oh crap it’s caca.
“Septic… huh seems like a really weird name for a pet. Welp hand me my pickaxe, let’s see what’s inside”
Call me septic, I doubt you’ll find any good shit in there
Remember the time there was a safe that tempted Reddit once again? So many safes never get updated, so mods in one sub finally had it and said “if we don’t get the deets, we yeet”
This should apply.
Don’t forget to bring your poop knife while spelunking in there
You better post a fucking update
Do you live in a chapel?
Who’s gonna tell em that they have been putting deposits in that safe for as long as they have lived in that house. 🤔🤣
An I the only one that thought these are headstones at an old Church?
Well, as the saying goes, “one man’s s*** is another man’s treasure.”
We can all guess what’s inside but nothings concrete.
Immensely jealous of that stunning great blue heron stained glass. Do you have a picture of it from the inside?
I bet there’s all kinds of shit in them.
A real shit post…
For the benefit of all the city folks I’ve trolled with this post, these are access hatches for a rural septic tank. Every 5 years I need to dig them up so a septic truck can suck out all the “treasure” and ensure they are functioning correctly.
Maybe read the inscriptions beforehand
Let us know what kinda shit you find!