Ive had this playstation ever since it was released and for a while I let my aunt used it since we had a second one. Today I got curious and wanted to see what she had in her library and uh…
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“Oh look a nice game about a Forest”
Did you find the fetus in the sink? Lol that game was weird
People who don’t know 😕
People who know 😱
As the Congressional Debate over gun control flares up yet again, we regret to report the murder of the wife and her two children by their husband and father. The father purchased the rifle used in the crime at his local gunstore two days earlier. This brutal killing took place while the family was gathered at home on a Sunday afternoon. The day of the crime, the father went to the trunk of his car, retrieved the rifle, and shot his wife as she was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch. When his ten-year-old son came to investigate the commotion, the father shot him, too. His six-year-old daughter had the good sense to hide in the bathroom, but reports suggest he lured her out by telling her it was just a game. The girl was found shot once in the chest from point-blank range. The mother, who he shot in the stomach, was pregnant at the time. Police arriving on-scene after neighbors called 911 found the father in his car, listening to the radio. Several days before the murders, neighbors say they heard the father repeating a sequence of numbers in a loud voice. They said it was like he was chanting some strange spell. There was another family shot to death in the same state last month, and in December last year, a man used a rifle and meat cleaver to murder his entire family. In each case, the perpretrators were fathers. State police say the string of domestic homicides appears unrelated, though it could be part of a larger trend, such as employment, childcare, and other social issues facing the average family.
I see she likes my favorite superhero MAN.
“Wait you do know what this is…right?”
“Oh yes, Kojima’s masterpiece that will never be, damn Konami, they’ll only take this off the PS4 if they pry it from my cold dead hands!!!”
“Oh, I meant Mass Effect: Andromeda, but you do you auntie.”
Honestly, one of the creepiest experiences I ever played, and it’s only a demo, lol.
Man: Game of the Year Edition was truly an inspiring game.
Yeah it’s in my account too but you can’t download it. You can only play it if it’s already installed.
That PlayStation is actually worth a pretty penny for having PT on it.
Hey you. Look behind you.
I said, **look behind you**.
shame you can’t download it anymore
One of the only games I have left still on my ps4 I never deleted it and never uninstaled it
I would kill to play that game again
Actual treasure
Now you do realise how much that PS4 is worth now that you have evidence as proof cha-ching
The one that got away. P.T. had so much potential.
You can’t download it anymore anyway. I have it in my library like that as well. When you try to download it, it gives you some kind of an error.
P.T. Is rare I guess.
Released for the PlayStation 4 on August 12, 2014 as a free download on the PlayStation Network, P.T. served as an interactive teaser for the game Silent Hills, an installment in the Silent Hill series. After the cancellation of Silent Hills, Konami removed P.T. from the PlayStation Store and made it impossible to reinstall. The decision prompted criticism, fan efforts to allow P.T. to be re-downloaded,and fan remakes.
How is Sims on controller.
I still have PT downloaded on my PS4 Pro
i’m so glad i got to experience that before it was taken down, for a demo it was truly terrifying
That PlayStation just became worth $200 more
PT has been dumped online. It’s readily available. I don’t understand why anyone would pay for it.
The most hype I’ve ever been for a game and nothing.
Fuck man what I wouldn’t have given to see this game become a reality. Still hurts. Massive potential wasted.
Shame it’s not downloaded, a ps4 with pt still installed on it can sell for a lot of money
Still have PT on my PS4. Will never uninstall it, will never sell the console. I’d be devastated if anything happened to it. Piece of gaming history right there.