Are you sure that’s not 80s? Your dad’s frame style (glasses) didn’t come in style until a few years into the 80s. And your mom’s shirt sort of indicates the same.
Your mama is gorgeous, sexy AF. She can stare me down Winona Rider style any day she wants.
Your dad looks mildly scared shitless as if “this whole Back To The Land thing is way more than i bargained for…i mean the cabin is cool but no one said anything about birthing a calf…all this damn canning…building an effing well for water. wtf was i thinking.”
The happiness here is obvious
Canadian Gothic.
Your mom is 🔥! Your dad looks like he fixes computers. 😉
Somehow they both look like serial killers. Serial killers that work independently and unknowingly of one another.
What’s the name of their electro-pop dance album?
Is your dad stephen king?
Your dad looks a bit like Stephen King, had he not eaten Cocaine-O’s for breakfast every day.
Mom’s got a bit of a Winona Ryder/Ashley Judd thing going. Very pretty.
EDIT Also Mary Elizabeth Mastriantonio.
Very beautiful! What is their heritage?
Happy happy joy joy 
Is this their mugshot? Hahaha they look so happy….
Sure that’s not from The 80s? Those round glasses are more of an 80s style. Dad’s hair also looks short for the 70s.
Your mom is Lyra Silvertongue?!?
I never saw couples mug shots before
Are they still married and looking this happy?
They both hot
I wonder what the red button says.
Looks like they just told his parents she’s pregnant
I could swear you took it recently and added as many filters as you could
They look like they make fire lo fi pop
They are very good-looking and look like they could overthrow the government with the snap of a finger.
Are you sure this pic isn’t from the early 80s?
The original Jack Antonoff and Lorde
I see the photo.
I read the comments. Y’all are harsh.
Your parents look like “everyone” I went to school with. (I’m 59 yo and graduated from High School in 1982.) Say hey to your folks for me.
Are you sure that’s not 80s? Your dad’s frame style (glasses) didn’t come in style until a few years into the 80s. And your mom’s shirt sort of indicates the same.
Your mom was a hottie
She looks a little like Mia Sara to me!
The listened to The Talking Heads.
Your mom is gorgeous 😍
You’re mom’s hot and you’re dad looks like a programmer for Atari.
Hipster Electronic Indie Rock duo
Parents are very hot right now.
Your mum was cute
By chance, have either one of them been in the resistance as a result of a film from the man in the high castle?
When did their album drop?
Your dad looks like a DNA splice of Stephen King and John Denver. Right on man, right on.
Dad is a smoking hot nerd!
Mom looks like Gal Gadot at home.
Fashion is cyclical. These look like hip young people today.
cute couple 😉 must have made a good looking kid
I’m reading comments and I can’t disagree strongly enough.
These two are a force.
nice pic. lost my mom few yrs ago. she got sick. she’ll miss my whole life, it’s hard.
They look great for their 70s!
Your mama is gorgeous, sexy AF. She can stare me down Winona Rider style any day she wants.
Your dad looks mildly scared shitless as if “this whole Back To The Land thing is way more than i bargained for…i mean the cabin is cool but no one said anything about birthing a calf…all this damn canning…building an effing well for water. wtf was i thinking.”
Seriously cool pic.