Saturday, February 15All That Matters

I haven’t talked to my dad in a couple days after an argument we had. He left this at my door. 😂 He’s 60. What does it mean?


I haven’t talked to my dad in a couple days after an argument we had. He left this at my door. 😂 He’s 60. What does it mean?


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  • It’s a peace offering. I bet he thinks it might be from a video game/manga/anime he’s heard you talk about. You should talk to him, try to hear him well so his defenses drop and he can hear you well. Understanding is a gift we can give to others even if our comprehension is incomplete. Like a muscle, the more we exercise it the better we get at using it.

  • I didn’t know nara was making things like this. Pretty cool. I went to one of his exhibitions a while ago and thought it was pretty pop. As far as meaning its a nice gesture from your old man.

  • I have never seen an olive branch extended in the form of a low brow art plush doll.
    Give the old man a break, and a hug. It’s clear he’s trying… unless he’s the over-the-top sarcastic type of dude, then I’d probably lock my doors. Windows too.

  • it’s a gift , it’s his way of initiating a conversation with you , whatever your argument was , trust me it’s meaningless.

    you said he’s 60 , this means that you have a limited amount of time to spend with him, so forget about this stupid argument and go fix the issue with him and don’t do this (not talking intentionally for a period of time) again

  • Go talk to him, don’t wait, be the bigger person and make up, if you don’t then you may never get the chance someday because it will be too late….make up and spend as much time with him as possible

  • No idea what this is from but definitely agree with others that it’s a peace offering and/or attempt as an older person to approach you with something he thinks you as a younger person might like/identify with. I obviously don’t know your family or the context of your argument with your dad, but if he’s otherwise safe and not a dirtbag, it does seem like he’s trying here (even if sorta inscrutably). Of course do what’s safe and right for you, but based solely on what you’ve shown us he seems like someone who wants to be on good terms with you and has a sense he fucked up.

  • I dont know your father nor the circumstances of the argument so I could not say. But it does seem like an attempt to build a bridge. Whether or not you want to extend to his offering is on you

  • We don’t know what it means because we don’t know anything about you, your dad, or the argument. This Walk On vampire looking doll may have some significance, but that significance may or may not have been lost on a 60 year old man. 🤷‍♂️

  • Hey OP, you deleted your comment just now, so heres what Id like to say in repsonse to you.

    why the fuck are you here asking what this means if we “don’t understand the circunstances”

    You guys have issues, go to therapy and fucking work it out, or at the very least, stop half assing your attention seeking behaviours on all of us.

    Go look at yourself and your relationship with him.
    Go look at him and his relationship with you.

    Make a decision on what you want to do that best cares for you, and leave us all out of it.

  • I saw in one of your comments that you were trying to keep it light and that the circumstances may be more unpleasant than a lot of people are thinking. It definitely seems like an emotionally stunted way to try and initiate a conversation, but I’d say the ball’s in your court on whether you want to reach out or not. Hope everything works out in a way that you’re most comfortable with.

  • Clearly your Dad works for the Mongolian secret service and the microfilm is hidden within the stuffed toy. Meet up with your dad and offer the phrase

    “The Tulips in Holland come in many colours”.

    His reply will be “Only matched by the scent of Roses”

  • It means… my dad died this summer before we made shit right. So just think about how much you love him and if being mad is worth it. We’re all stupid idiots- even more so to the ones that mean the most.

  • Yoshitomo Nara is a pioneering figure in contemporary art whose signature style—which expresses children in a range of emotional complexities from resistance and rebellion to quietude and contemplation—celebrates the introspective freedom of the imagination and the individual.

  • I’m a dad about his age. Trying to be lighthearted, but this is how he views your attitude. Closed minded and belligerent. But he’s trying to open the door so you can clear the air.

    He’s looking out for your busy interests – at least in his mind. Try to acknowledge you understand what he’s saying. But you’re (I’m assuming) in your mid 20s or so. This is your life now.

    I suggest doing mental reset and truly considering his side with an open mind. (It takes maturity to do this honestly!) You might see he’s right or find a middle ground. But if you still disagree, tell him (lovingly) this is your life and he has to let you make your own decisions and even mistakes sometimes. Then a hug!

    Best of luck!

  • Its a peace offfering. This is code for Im still mad at you and I dont want to apologize, but it doesnt matter because I love you. He made a gesture now its on you to signal back. Text him the picture of the Plushie no words. See what he says. You can press the issue but he doesnt want you to. Hence the Plushie

  • Be a good son/daughter/adult child of an aging parent and call him up to say you love him. He made the first move, which is hard for us parents. You’ll miss him more than you can imagine when he’s gone.

  • Your father loves you no matter what. He doesnt want a fight with you. When we as parents have to say no or punish one of our children it hurts us 10x more than it hurts you to be grounded, or not go to that party, etc. i guess the doll hes jokingly saying youre being rascally or mischievous but hes stretching out a hand so that you know he wants to be “friends” again.

    Its just my 2 cents if you can, id say you go up to him laughing and ask what the gift means. He’ll probably say smthg else but he just wants to start talking again.

    I hope you love your father and can muster the ego enough to talk again. And in 99.9999% of cases with a loving father i suggest you guys never break the speaking barrier again. It is so much heartache for a loving father and lets be honest no one has a purchase on the time left on earth.

    Cheers be the best son you can

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