I wonder what a last day of high school 2023 would look like. Maybe it’s just a stereotype, but i don’t think it would be as cool and fun and relaxed as this. I don’t know, maybe i just get the wrong impression, but i feel people would be way more guarded, uptight, and just not as friendly as fun. Half the students would probably just be busy typing away on their phone.
It sounds so cliche and silly to say, but i really feel like the time before the internet at everyone having phones and all this was just better in some ways. I wen’t to highschool in the 00’s, but still before cell phones were really a thing, internet was sort of a thing but not like it is today, and so many things just felt better.
I don’t know, maybe in 20 year’s there will be a “last day of school 2022” (or 1,000,000 of them i guess) and we’ll be looking back at that thinking how cool and fun those times were. Maybe. But i kind of feel like maybe not.
That sort of 80’s to mid 00’s, before social media, smartphones and all of this modern stuff just feel so quaint and nostalgic now. I write ironically in a reddit post. I guess we’re never going back to that kind of living.
This is awesome. I graduated a decade later, but I was in the public school system in 96, so it still gives me that sweet personalized nostalgia feeling. Thanks for sharing!
who went to school on the last day? my school had testing, most seniors/juniors exempt from them…typically the most unattended day of year for most schools in my state…especially for that time
All it has to do is transition into a school shooting and its a typical found-footage film, except the characters are less one dimensional and interesting
I came to America in the early 2000’s and graduated in 07, but the 90’s were the best times not only in America but all over the world! People were mostly nice and social life was excellent. Now we just exist!
I was a teenager in the 90s, turned 18 in 1997 – Europe, not the US. Those were good and calm years, there was a feeling that things would turn out ok. The Soviet Union had collapsed, and they were even on track to become a democracy. The cold war was dead. Nato was looking for a purpose. The internet came along, or rather www. Mobile phones were starting to become normal. Computers were getting more effective. The world was our oyster.
Like, they say that every generation has a fear of doom, total collapse, but everything always turns out ok. In the 90s, it was mostly optimism, as I remember it.
Now, in my 40s, I keep wondering if I’m just nostalgic. I also wonder if all the doom and gloom will lead to society’s collapse. Too much going on at once, man.
Thanks for sharing, I have something like this from 2001 somewhere, I need to dig it out for the next reunion!
It was such a chill video, I have a lot of things to comment on, but I’ll leave that to the others!
I graduated 2yrs before, still brings back memories!
“Man without our religion is like a fish without a bicycle”
I wonder what a last day of high school 2023 would look like. Maybe it’s just a stereotype, but i don’t think it would be as cool and fun and relaxed as this. I don’t know, maybe i just get the wrong impression, but i feel people would be way more guarded, uptight, and just not as friendly as fun. Half the students would probably just be busy typing away on their phone.
It sounds so cliche and silly to say, but i really feel like the time before the internet at everyone having phones and all this was just better in some ways. I wen’t to highschool in the 00’s, but still before cell phones were really a thing, internet was sort of a thing but not like it is today, and so many things just felt better.
I don’t know, maybe in 20 year’s there will be a “last day of school 2022” (or 1,000,000 of them i guess) and we’ll be looking back at that thinking how cool and fun those times were. Maybe. But i kind of feel like maybe not.
That sort of 80’s to mid 00’s, before social media, smartphones and all of this modern stuff just feel so quaint and nostalgic now. I write ironically in a reddit post. I guess we’re never going back to that kind of living.
This is dope, thanks for posting. Grew up in the 90s and it brought back nice memories for me.
Not going to lie, really miss the 90s
He must be attractive, the girls light up when he approaches them
This is awesome. I graduated a decade later, but I was in the public school system in 96, so it still gives me that sweet personalized nostalgia feeling. Thanks for sharing!
who went to school on the last day? my school had testing, most seniors/juniors exempt from them…typically the most unattended day of year for most schools in my state…especially for that time
I graduated in 2007 and I can feel this vibe.
All these kids are now in their mid 40s and most have kids of their own older than this.. if they made it this far
[Ridgefield Memorial High School](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@40.8314859,-73.9998919,3a,75y,93.47h,81.61t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYRS4FnSFEbC4sFrKvYPBzA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DYRS4FnSFEbC4sFrKvYPBzA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D147.21678%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192) now:
So this popped up in your YouTube recommendations too…
All of these people need colonoscopies now.
Time goes too fast here. I would quite literally let someone amputate my leg if I was able to relive the 90s from start to finish.
At 1:30 – he was saving some footage for later then realized he wanted to share this
These people are in their early 40s i believe. damn thats…well…too close to home
Anyone here go to HS w anyone who later became famous.
My friends started a rap group called brand Nubians and Lorenzo (Lord Jamar) went on to become an actor as well.
I went on to become a small part of the Howard Stern show
All it has to do is transition into a school shooting and its a typical found-footage film, except the characters are less one dimensional and interesting
Graduated 2000 and watching this video quickly brought me back to this calm vibe. What a great time that was
God so much nostalgia. I was a freshman or sophomore at the time this was shot. Wow. Thanks for the flood of memories.
I came to America in the early 2000’s and graduated in 07, but the 90’s were the best times not only in America but all over the world! People were mostly nice and social life was excellent. Now we just exist!
That’s gonna be a no from me dog. The 90s were miserable and high school then was even worse.
If he says “ten years from now” one more time *I’m* gonna break up with him!
If only those 1996 students knew about internet porn we currently have compared to what they use in 1996.
I was a teenager in the 90s, turned 18 in 1997 – Europe, not the US. Those were good and calm years, there was a feeling that things would turn out ok. The Soviet Union had collapsed, and they were even on track to become a democracy. The cold war was dead. Nato was looking for a purpose. The internet came along, or rather www. Mobile phones were starting to become normal. Computers were getting more effective. The world was our oyster.
Like, they say that every generation has a fear of doom, total collapse, but everything always turns out ok. In the 90s, it was mostly optimism, as I remember it.
Now, in my 40s, I keep wondering if I’m just nostalgic. I also wonder if all the doom and gloom will lead to society’s collapse. Too much going on at once, man.
Not sure what I wanted to say with that.