In their defense, it is spelled correctly on the “ice cream” sign, and right above it where it says “packaged ice”.
Unless that actually just makes it worse… smh.
“One year they sent a guy up to replace the unit. He was a big guy, as you’d expect, but not too bright,” said Dick. “He put in the machine, and then he put on the letters, I-E-C. I watched him do it. I was fascinated.” Over time the sign became an emblem. Ten years later, when the ice company replaced the machine, ICE was spelled right, but Dick carefully cut out his own letters and restored the sign to the original so no one would be disappointed.
What a silly guy
That’s just cold bro.
They spelt “MAT” wrong on the right too!
Yay Vermont. I hate it there
They spelt it wrong twiec too!
I before E except after C ..idk
Someone managed to take a photo wrong on a phone.
IEC — ice emitting container.
Or the international energy commission is building substations camouflaged as ice chests
Wtf is this shit? You can take photos holding your phone horizontally or vertically, but not fucking diagonally!
In their defense, it is spelled correctly on the “ice cream” sign, and right above it where it says “packaged ice”.
Unless that actually just makes it worse… smh.
Whoever made that sign is about as bright as whoever took this photo. OP is claiming it was his friend, hmmm.
i like iec
“One year they sent a guy up to replace the unit. He was a big guy, as you’d expect, but not too bright,” said Dick. “He put in the machine, and then he put on the letters, I-E-C. I watched him do it. I was fascinated.” Over time the sign became an emblem. Ten years later, when the ice company replaced the machine, ICE was spelled right, but Dick carefully cut out his own letters and restored the sign to the original so no one would be disappointed.
Looks like a fun place to go, id try the coffee if I was there.
Iec iec bayb