I was working at a Best Buy in New Jersey a few years ago and I’m helping this customer and he asks me do you know who wrote the song Jersey girl I said Tom waits he said he is my brother in law and wrote Jersey girl about my sister. I never found out if he was telling the truth or not .
Plot twist: It’s only 25 to 9.
For once the guy has better hair.
It’s the woman who did Traces of the Western Slopes, and some bloke.
I think I had those same shoes “back in the day”.
Did she sing Chuckie’s in Love?
I was working at a Best Buy in New Jersey a few years ago and I’m helping this customer and he asks me do you know who wrote the song Jersey girl I said Tom waits he said he is my brother in law and wrote Jersey girl about my sister. I never found out if he was telling the truth or not .