There was another post kindly asking for these types of posts to not be made anymore. I sort of feel the same way, mainly because I remember the time *both* of these games were released, and can still hear their music in my head, and it just makes me feel so old.
There was another post kindly asking for these types of posts to not be made anymore. I sort of feel the same way, mainly because I remember the time *both* of these games were released, and can still hear their music in my head, and it just makes me feel so old.
Halo ce: Am I a joke to you?
No one thinks the 1986 *The Legend of Zelda* was released twenty years ago or is representative of the idea of gaming twenty years ago.
Halo came out around this time! Damn I’m old…
New year, same old shit posts.
I think this “you think this is the game 20 years ago” is getting tiresome now.
I remember the zelda, can’t remember how long it was :/
It’s not 2000 or 2010 any more, we get it.
Who is that Zelda player walking around with 9 keys‽
Shadow of the colossus existed then, and that was a technical pain.
Forever stuck in the 2000s
Time just stopped somewhere around 2000 and 2010
I see this meme so often now, I’m willing to bet the people reposting it weren’t even born when X-2 came out.
How Dare You !
Kotor turns 20 this year
I’ve played both of those games.
That’s not the burn you think it is.
These types of posts make me realize that many people have no grasp on the concept of time.
This is a zoomer moment
I seriously wish these posts were banned. They’ve long since stopped being clever
The top one is more like 40 years ago. A Zelda my first rpg
Will you all stop trying to shatter my delusional mind. I’m quite happy with the false timeline it has given me.
Nope, definitely don’t think that ls what gaming looked like 20 years ago. That’s the legend of Zelda and it was released in 1986.
Hot damn I’m over these posts
These stupid memes make me want to leave this sub.
Can we fucking stop with these? Literally no one thinks Zelda 1 came out 20 years ago.
I personally think gaming looked like this 20 years ago 🙂
FFX-2 is so good. The costume change system was pretty sweet. I have *all* the nostalgia for that game lol.
If we could stop posting “What you think games were like 20 years ago” with pictures of blatantly 35-year-old games, that’d be great thanks