ScumbagDad addressing reddit’s issue with liking povertyporn/performative charity
View Reddit by HarrisonForelli – View Source
ScumbagDad addressing reddit’s issue with liking povertyporn/performative charity
View Reddit by HarrisonForelli – View Source
Even yesterday I saw a video of that odd person that constantly smiles while making food to hand it out and a lot of reddit praised it. A lot of videos reddit praises the situation saying that at least the person got something in the end where as otherwise it wouldn’t have happened.
This video addresses all of it
Well put. I hate these types of videos because there is always this glaringly brazen ulterior motive for the video to even exist, which
is for the creator to profit from the misfortune of others.
he’s not wrong
that topper guy also hires unattractive ppl for him to fake prank in his videos and make them look stupid.
and if you check the comments, it seems to work, plenty ppl make fun of the guy thats in the video just to look stupid.
I thought you were calling him a scumbag dad lol
I have always thought how i would react if someone approaches me with a ‘social experiment’ video or even worse with a ‘prank’ video. In either scenario I see myself leaning towards a good old-fashioned flat-handed slap!
I don’t have tiktok. Seems to solve all the problems.
People who consume that content are NPCs
This person is correct and its what ive been trying to tell some people.
but their response was always “its fine, i dont care if the influencers want the publicity, as long as the people get the help.”
But they homeless folks either never gets the proper help/attention they really need or they get a miniscule amount for the exchange of what ?
The lowest moment in their lives being paraded for poverty porn?
Ive been in some low points in my life. and when im there, i never wanted anyone to know. And my low points are nowhere near what these people experience.
Love this guy, never seen him before. Very well put together
“reddit’s issue with liking povertyporn”? I have never seen this type of videos on reddit, or at least they must not be popular. I would expect them from facebook or tiktok, but reddit? Reddit has a lot of issues, I’m not denying that, but this is not one of them. In fact, redditors love calling out stuff like this.
I will NOT apologize for BEING a redditor!!!!
* I WILL believe every scripted video is authentic
* I WILL find the most bleak circumstances of life “wholesome”
* I WILL updoot anything with a “doggo”
* I WILL cry if a sad backing track is played over literally anything
but I will NOT apologize for being a redditor!! I am proud of who I am and what I stand for!!!!!!! Can I get a narwhal to the left, baconeers???
I, like many others, was raised with the notion that Charity is not true Charity if you let others know you did it, i.e. the concept of Altruism, doing something for someone without expectations whatsoever, including recognition… and mind you this was in the context of the people you actually knew irl. — The internet has taken that to an unfathomably magnified level by introducing the ability to broadcast to the whole planet. I hope going forward this sort of criticism of performative bs charity is more normalized. He hit the nail on the head that most people don’t want to be filmed at their low points. Amazing that something so common sense has to even be said out loud. Alas, the internet gobbles that shit up for views.
this is an issue that has become extra popular with the rise if Mr Beast. He was one of the first to really exploit donations as brownie points from the internet, in order to get more sponsors, give away more money, all while lining his pockets. Im not saying he’s a bad person but this is an issue that should be addressed from the top to the bottom, and when well intentioned creators get away with it, it spawns leaches that exploit poor people for internet clout
I’ll give you 1$ and in return my audience will give me 1000$ just for watching. Its exploitation, and its fucking disgusting.
If any of the people making these videos actually did it because they wanted to help someone and not because they’re self-serving assholes, they wouldn’t need to make a video to show the world what they did.
They might have ulterior motives, but in the end the person in need gets something out of it, so it’s a win/win.
If someone genuinely wanted to do something good they wouldn’t have cameras filming it.
You don’t need to make a video about helping a homeless person because even if the deed is good it still comes out as disingenuous and about chasing fame, views, and personal financial gain.
H3 was on this 7 years ago https://youtu.be/W_qePqppbdQ
I see reddit really hates these people, but isn’t Mr Beast super respected for doing the same thing? never watched him tho
I loathe charity porn posters. It’s more about them and their ego getting wanked off than it is about caring. If you cared you’d spare their dignity and do it privately. r/MadeMeSmile really pisses me off when they post these types of vids as feel good, or how the system of capitalism has fucked us over so hard that we got to the point of a “feel good” vid. It should be banned by all platforms
This also goes for the videos of people on drugs walking in the streets. People looooove posting those videos and then everyone jumps on and makes jokes. At the same time people will talk about how drug abuse is mental health issue that needs to be taken seriously without discrimination. You’re encouraging the filming of people at the lowest point in their life and that is not okay.
This is just common sense and common courtesy.
I just find it odd that Ive never seen one of these guerilla style charity videos where they use their own time and energy for charity. Ive never seen a TikTok cut in here of someone working at a shelter for 12 hours or picking up debris from a hurricane #blessed. Its always throwing money out of a window at someone #loveme.
Here’s the short and simple… If a person is giving to charity and trying to always draw attention to that fact, they’re not charitable, they’re opportunistic.
If you look at youtubers i think Mr. Beast is the biggest example of a fake philanthropist.
The end justifies the means.
At the end of the day, someone who needs help is getting help.
> Have you ever given a homeless person a dollar and had a friend sit in a bush and film it, so that you can put it on YouTube and make like $10,000?
– Ethan Klein
Pablo Escobar was a philanthropist in his community. People hiding behind charity is such an old trope I honestly am suspicious of any time I hear about someone doing something nice on any form of social media. If you give your heart out in life, collect the flowers off your own grave.
That reminded when I was browsing Youtube Shorts yesterday and saw a video of a female Youtuber in Japan saying that everyone loved the really kind old restaurant owner in her last video so she came back to give him a present. In the span of 5 seconds, that present she hands him turns out to be an ad sponsor about a Japanese snack box. Rightfully, the comments were calling her out.
I mean, I started doing homeless encampment work because it was shown off. It made me aware of something I never thought about in my city and encouraged me to look into it. How do you tell who raises awareness and who does it for “brownie points”? Are people just mad they aren’t doing enough to help people or can’t? Becuase if it’s the latter you can and don’t need money to do it. But to act like these videos are all bad is disingenuous.
I literally have no substantive knowledge of this subject, but wtf this is the internet so … in my opinion, if narcissism gets people to hand out money to the homeless then who cares? Pure intentions don’t put food in their bellies I say so let’s give self-aggrandizing performative “altruism” a shot.
Warning I’m going to go on a tangent here.
These videos also highlights a frustration of mine with this site and the big general interest subreddits like /r/videos that have a “No Politics” rule.
These videos where they highlight individual homelessness and make a call to action for the viewers to donate to xyz charity to help these people are inherently political. They are political in that they support the current system.
The system that paints homelessness as an individual failing that can only be solved through individual philanthropy. That’s fine for /r/videos.
But lets say you post a video showing the systemic causes of homelessness and that videos offers a systemic solution. Well now that’s a political video and is not allowed.
These no politics rules actually means no politics that challenges the current hegemonic thought on Reddit and it’s really frustrating.
That moment when he’s watching this back and hears “some people don’t want to be filmed at a low point in their life” and he makes eye contact with himself in the video.
Scumbag dad is one of the best creators on the platform.
10 videos will be jokes, then something serious about dentistry.
I hate tiktokers
It feels like further harm is being inflicted on the people in the screenshots of this video and it would have been better to blur their faces.
/r/upliftingnews loves this shit