February 15, 2022 by bentheredunnthat67 [ad_1] Massage parlor will get your nuts out [ad_2] View Reddit by bentheredunnthat67 – View Source
Lol. But what if they’re talking about her nuts like she’s crazy. “Sorry we tried to get all the nuts out of you, but you’re still nuts!” February 15, 2022 at 12:40 am Reply
Remember that sailor who untied my nuts? That was a quick ferry ride. February 15, 2022 at 1:10 am Reply
Isn’t anyone curious as to why he only had one hand available at a time for the massage? February 15, 2022 at 1:56 am Reply
Once again getting exactly what I asked for but not at all what I wanted. Damn that monkeys paw to hell! February 15, 2022 at 3:42 am Reply
Only one hand? Yea he was jerkin it… Also, they obviously are trying to say “knots”. Doesn’t change the fact that he was jerkin it, but yea. February 15, 2022 at 1:47 pm Reply
lol this is funny
Well we know where her/ his mind was.
Lol. But what if they’re talking about her nuts like she’s crazy. “Sorry we tried to get all the nuts out of you, but you’re still nuts!”
Remember that sailor who untied my nuts? That was a quick ferry ride.
I get my nut everytime I hit up a massage parlour heyoh
knots. he’s talkin’ about knots.
Isn’t anyone curious as to why he only had one hand available at a time for the massage?
Once again getting exactly what I asked for but not at all what I wanted. Damn that monkeys paw to hell!
She wanted a fist?
Disclaimer: Marla doesn’t have nuts.
Only one hand? Yea he was jerkin it…
Also, they obviously are trying to say “knots”. Doesn’t change the fact that he was jerkin it, but yea.