I love Bioshock infinite but i have been hearing a lot of criticism about it and im wondering if I can have your opinions on the game
View Reddit by Misterbruh12 – View Source
I love Bioshock infinite but i have been hearing a lot of criticism about it and im wondering if I can have your opinions on the game
View Reddit by Misterbruh12 – View Source
I held off playing it until a month ago when I was needing a break from the other games I had on repeat. It is fairly standard Bioshock fare in that it is all linear paths and copy/paste swarms of bad guys. They try to hide the fact they still have plasmids by just calling them something different. The scenery is good, being above the clouds rather than at the bottom of the ocean makes it feel less claustrophobic. But, overall I enjoyed it a lot.
I thought the opening sequences were stunningly impressive, but for me it fizzled out quickly when the shooting started. I thought Elizabeth was brilliant, but overall the game didn’t grab me.
It is the only one I have played and think it is such a fantastic game because it has fantastic story and the game play is fun
great setting and characters, trippy story but gameplay felt kinda off..
The game was not what all the trailers showed. The gamplay was a step backwards and the story crawled up its own ass to look smarter than it was
It’s not terrible, but it’s definitely not good. Its story is very mediocre due to its sort of infantile perspective on racism and nationalism, but 99% of games don’t even go that deep on either so people think it’s the best story of all time just for tackling those topics in any way.
The original Bioshock is leaps and bounds better, the writers clearly understood capitalism and libertarianism much better than they do racism and nationalism, and as such did a considerably better job of creating a good critique of the former two.
One of my favorite games of all time. I loved Bioshock 1, I thought that infinite was the perfect sequel.
I hated Bioshock 2, I thought the premise of starting as a Big Daddy was uninteresting. The very first part of Bioshock 1 is you are just a random dude who gets thrown into this crazy dystopian nightmare of a city with literally nothing, until you “kindly grab a crowbar or something”. You are just a guy in a foreign environment starting off with nothing. Starting as one of the most terrifying enemies in Bioshock 2 ruined it for me.
Infinite helped to recreate that feeling, this time with a little bit more nuance. You get dragged in by the very nice seeming city and people, until you realize that despite it being clean and bright, the city is filled with the same level of horrible people (arguably worse?) as in the first game.
This game also has one of my favorite moments in all of gaming. Right after you rescue Elizabeth you end up on the beach. If you pay attention, the music in the background at some point turns into a cover of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. A cool Easter egg. But if you are really paying attention, you will notice that the game takes place 10s of years before that song ever came out. That anachronism is later revealed to be done on purpose because of the time rifts to parallel universes that have popped up in the city. A wonderful little subtle detail that no character ever comments on ( looking at you God of War Ragnarok)
The world as an atmosphere is fantastic. If you enjoy the American revolution like era it’s great.
Now if we are talking from a bioshock perspective gamewise it’s a little eh in my opinion. For a basic like adventure game with no expectations it’s fun don’t get me wrong. But they took out the survival aspect of BioShock. My biggest gripe was possession I believe it was called which guaranteed an automatic kill when the skill ended. So there was always a reason to use that plus it was linked to hacking the machines.
Really good game honestly i was never able to beat it though
Booker, Catch!
It’s been a while since I played it but I liked it. Didn’t understand jack of the story
Played it when it on the day of release. Love that game.
It was good but it wasn’t Rapture.
Worst of the three. Good game regardless. Enjoyable story, and world, but the gunplay just was a step down over the other two in everyway. While throwing in bullet sponge enemies, and gimmicky feeling mechanics.
Liked it more than I did Bioshock 1 & 2, especially the dlc.
Fun the first time. Everytime that I have tried to replay it I get bored after about an hour.
Sad the bioshock franchise died with this one.
Enjoyed it, dlc was decent, but I don’t think any future bioshock if there is one, will ever recapture the magic of the first one.
Played all 3 in order and this was the only one I actually liked. How’s that for an unpopular opinion xd
I played it once when it came out. I remember enjoying it but I also have no desire to play it again.
Didn’t like the gameplay or setting as much as the previous two, but it’s still one of the better entries in the genre. Still had one of the best pre-order deals ever, with every site fighting to give the best offer.
It was a game of its time. Yeah I realize it isn’t that old (2013) but you get my point. At the time of its release, I remember being wowed by the presentation. Some could make the argument that many games have released that outshine Bioschock but, to me at least, it holds a special place.
At the time, I thought it was the greatest meta-commentary on development of a sequel. Another girl, another lighthouse. I always felt the game was fine-ish, at best, in gameplay. Elizabeth is one of the few AI partners I can actually stomach.
I have not replayed it since launch. I do not plan to either. I have re-played OG Bioshock like 3 times in the interim.
Cool game, garbage bioshock game
I hate shooters, but I loved this
I’ve played all bioshocks, I’m a huge fan. Infinite was something else, for me the story was deeper and way more complex. It was a real look into someone’s suffering due to their choices.
However Id have to rate the first two bc I like the darkness of them.
It’s the best of the trilogy. I’ll probably get a little hate for that statement but to me it’s true.
A good enough game. Didn’t like the ending.
The previous Bio Shock games are fucking awesome. “Would you kindly…”
Crazy to read the comments on here because as i remember when this game came out, there was a lot of hype behind it. This was the only bioshock i played because i was recommended it, and i thought at the time the graphics were really cool, but i was never super in love with it
A goddamn masterpiece
It is decent but first one was better. And part 2 Minervas Den
It was my first bio shock game and I loved it. I’m due for another playthrough
Played it. Finished it. Felt nothing.
It was good. But it wasn’t as fun or creepy as the first two.
Given the ending its not worth a replay. Lost all appeal. Had fun but only works once.
Fantastic game, love the ending, but as I’ve gotten older I think the “both sides are bad” sort of dynamic they went for with the revolutionaries was pretty hamfisted.
It was fun but definitely the weakest of the trilogy.
The story was a bit predictable, saw that plot twist coming very early.
The gameplay is very linear, not a lot of variety of weapons, and couldn’t you only have like 2 weapons on you or something? Don’t remember.
Visually it was gorgeous, the floating levels did look very good. But Rapture still has a special place in my heart.
Its my only Bioshock game really , played it when it launched . Overall was okay gameplay wised some just the same but the premise and mystery does for me .
The ending was great with that twist , it just stuck with me for days “There’s always a lighthouse. There’s always a man. There’s always a city,”
There last part like it kinda make commentary most games that can be applied like Half-Life 2
I adore it. I prefer Bioshock 1 in terms of the story. In terms of the game play, I prefer Bioshock 2. I think Infinite is mediocre.
These comments are insane. I literally just replayed the series and the first gameplay is dogshit in comparison with 2 and infinite I actually couldn’t believe how un-fun and ironically how dry it felt. The water theme and enemy design was obviously cooler but there were just too many improvements in both sequels in almost every aspect to be saying something like 1 is better than Infinite. I believe that was the 1st time I played the first, 3rd time playing the second and 2nd time playing infinite so that’s just my opinion.
I didn’t like it, to me it felt like it was the same combat encounter after another with the only thing changing is how tanky the enemies are. All held together by a story that felt as if it were mad-libbed. The only thing I liked about this game was the art direction and the 1900’s look they went for
it’s bioshock but with stale gameplay and it breaks my heart. i burnt out after a couple hours the first time i played it, and i couldn’t ever be bothered to go back and play it since.
i could see it being incredibly engaging and fresh for younger players or anyone with less game hours under their belt, and it seems like that’s the case for a lot of folks. but i’m 36 and put way too much time into series like doom, quake, and system shock, so as much as i loved the first bioshock, the downgrade in weapon diversity and massive jump in linearity was too big of a turnoff for me to look past, and not at all what i expected of any game in the series. reminds me a lot of how mass effect 2 went so far dumbing down the weapon and skill systems that they reverted a lot of the changes in mass effect 3 to find a happier medium.
but hey, it probably has one of the most tasteful and appropriate arrangements of an existing song (god only knows) that’s ever been incorporated into entertainment media, so that’s worth something.
Didnt feel like a Bioshock game. Was a decent one though
I thought it was super fun, really cool addition to the Bioshock universe. I liked Booker and Elizabeth, both, and thought the setting of Columbia was really lovely and great fun to run and gun through.
Mostly good. The fight at the end is super wack tho. I love the twins honestly They were an excellent addition
Loved the story and the looks and vibe, didn’t care for the gameplay much. The hook system quickly became annoying, the shooting never felt quite right. But boy oh boy the story’s awesome