Wednesday, March 19All That Matters

Dead Space Remake vs Original Graphics Comparison


  • Very much in 2 minds about this particular screenshot, not sure how much is because they are taken in slightly different places with the right hand one outside the door / further way from the enemy

    Yes Issac’s new suit / helmet looks way better and far more detailed, but the enemy bashing his head against the wall looks far less detailed and washed out, less bloody / gory, it seems to be a complete downgrade in the graphics regards that particular bit and rather disappointing to be honest.

    Would want the original enemy and the new Issac from just seeing these 2 images

    Guess will have to wait and see further images to see how things compare

  • I think I actually prefer the original in a lot of ways. I have a severe issue with lighting in modern games, its so blended and ‘realistic’ that it actually detracts from the ambience to me. The harder contrasting lines of shadow in older graphics is much more appealing, at least to my eye.

    Ideally though: New character model, old art direction. The implants, hard industrial lines and grating, and more generous blood stand out in the original.

  • dead space came out to xbox 360 and now we are at series x. Xbox 360 is to us what ps1 was to ps3. Something went very wrong.


    P.S. Before people spam diminishing returns on polygons image I know that. but there are other ways to improving the graphics of videogames without having to resort to techniques we have been using for so many generations which clearly isnt progressing us fast enough. We need new display types or completely new paradigms of rendering to see improvement.

  • I really enjoy the original.

    The blood over his torso makes sense, as hes been smashing his head against the wall for a while.

    Remake looks more like a new hospital, as opposed to the oldest serving planet cracker in service.

  • I didn’t really understand this pic:
    The main character on left is not well detailed, and the one on the right is scary and badass

    The monster on left is scary, and the white guy on the right is not…

    Can you please show a picture from the same moment?

  • I’ve never played the game and so because this is a general “gaming” sub and not specific to Dead Space, I’m just gonna say that based on just this picture, the original looks better. Other than the character model on the remake, it looks so much worse in comparison.

  • I sure hope they don’t The Thing this, where they turn a perfectly good body horror nightmare into a joke because they play with the tech too hard and forget about the actual important parts.

  • Ok, I hate to be this guy… but this scene, when seeing it actually play out in the remake, feels off to me. They made the guy dramatically slam his head into the wall and the original was a lot more haunting the way he’s calmly bashing his own head in so lifelessly.

    It makes me worry that the remake will have the more over the top direction the sequels had, which was turn off for me.

  • As a huge dead space fan there are a couple of scenes in the remake that just seem too…clean I would say? Where the grittiness and gore made the original dead space scarier.

    * The attack at the start of the game, you can clearly see the necromorphs killing everyone under rather bright light. In the original this scene was a lot darker and made more sense why the guard were so easily ambushed, and not seeing what killed them in high details made it scarier and really cemented the “what the fuck was that?!” Moment.

    * Hallway guy being so clean bothers me immensely, the original guy was a worker on the station. New model looks like an escape psychiatric patient. Original guy was *fucked up* bleeding from all over, missing *chunks of flesh* and clearly close to death, clearly driven insane and in so much pain he only wanted to die. People could not tell if he was human or a necromorph and *that was the point*. New model just looks like a crazy person doing crazy person things. Loses a lot of the weight

    * doctor carving up a living patient in the medical bay, also too clean. Previous version was a lot darker with flickering lights and splatter. She acknowledges Isaac is watching and carves the still living patient up while eying him (clearly not even looking at the guys she’s killing) She then looks away, finishes with the patient, and slits her own throat and drops *instantly*. In the new version she doesn’t acknowledge Isaac at all until after she carves the guy up, then walks up to Isaac and slits her own throat and falls over dramatically. I think the original version was more well done here as well.

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