When i saw this poster my first thought was that this must be a prank,
After watching the trailer i still cannot believe a studio green lit such a fever dream of a 14 year old.
Is this what came of the reddit post that was said to be getting a movie treatment; the Group of Marines go back in time and have to fight the whole Roman Legion or something?
Ill watch the fuck out of this.
The title kinda makes it sound like some straight to DVD piece of trash in the back of the netflix catalog.
When i saw this poster my first thought was that this must be a prank,
After watching the trailer i still cannot believe a studio green lit such a fever dream of a 14 year old.
Am i gonna watch it? Of course i will!
Adam driver killing dinosaurs?
And the Oscar goes to
Trailer makes it feel like it has elements of Jurassic Park, Aliens, and Planet of the Apes. Looks awesome!
Surely the dinosaurs will be accurate to modern scientific revelation/understanding and just look like giant chickens/birds
He’s gonna need a bigger gun and a lot more ammo.
Guys! finally a dinosaur movie where they aren’t in the park!
Prediction: Whatever they have to do to escape will lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Produced by Jack Donaughy.
So Adam Driver kills Hitler & everyone you even knew, millions of times over?
That dinosaur has feathers! Look at the skull, it has down feathers. The dinosaurs are going to be vaguely scientifically accurate then.
It clearly need Bryce Dallas Howard running around in heels.
Is this what came of the reddit post that was said to be getting a movie treatment; the Group of Marines go back in time and have to fight the whole Roman Legion or something?
Do I need to watch the first 64 films before this or can I go in blind?
I recall people hating this movie when it was called ‘After Earth.’
The twist seems to be already given away with this poster
Forgot the tagline: NO. CHRIS. PRATT!
Sci-fi pulp garbage with a big budget starring one of the best A-list actors like it’s the 90s. Hell yeah!
Turok giving some side eye.
Just put your hands up in front of their face to stop the dinosaurs!
Adam Driver trying to survive against dinosaurs?
Sign me the fuck up
They probably had some leftover CGI dinosaurs from Jurassic World
Sounds ridiculous. I’m in.
Oh Pitch Black with Dinosaurs…
Sounds Fun.
Why does it look like a fan made póster
this seems like parody for some reason.
Looks like that thing from The Bubble
I mean there are worse solutions to the Fermi paradox than aliens showing up in the Triassic and thinking ‘fuck this planet it’s got monsters’.