How is this possible? Im reading the comments and thinking they are all in on it too. This can’t be real picture, if it is – Very super nice! Probably at least some camera tricks or editing, filtering? I never comment but this is blowing my mind if it’s real. Anyways nice!
Every time I see an Ellie cosplay posted, I can’t help but think of that one cosplay where the Ellie cosplayer’s boyfriend or husband cosplayed Joel and they’re making out in one of the photos and the hilarious reddit comments that resulted.
if you told me this was a screenshot or drawn fanart, I’d believe you. this looks amazing
Just WOW
I want to see this Ellie in The Last of Us movie, not actually what we have
i knew it was you as soon i saw the pic š
She’s also amazing cosplaying genshin impact char
I watch my friend play this game all the time, I’m going to show him this! Amazing!!
Holy moly i thought i was watching a screenshot..
Really really Nice!
This is extremely well detailed. Nice job!
Sue Sony, now we know where they got Ellies face inspiration
How is this not a screenshot !!
Amazing job OP.
They should recast the show, you look just like her!
Wow, the resemblance is uncanny!
Thank you so much for all your comments!
Credits: cosplayer ~ likeassassin; photographer ~ milliganvick
Did you walk into an abandoned building to get this pic?
Thought this was art first glance.
This looks better than the live action
Fucking hell, this may be the best cosplay I’ve ever seen. You’re so photogenic.
Excellent, feels like Iām looking at the real deal. Good job!
Should have casted you.
It is really rare to see solid cosplay like this!
You literally look more like Ellie than whoever they casted for the show. Well done.
Wow at first I thought this was a cover or a drawing
Amazing! You really captured the look and feel of the character and game in this photo.
This just made me realize how advanced are gaming graphics, you look like a screenshot from the game lol
Next gen graphics do be looking good
holy SHIT, that’s cosplay?
Wow the expression of concern. Awesome cosplay
How is this possible? Im reading the comments and thinking they are all in on it too. This can’t be real picture, if it is – Very super nice! Probably at least some camera tricks or editing, filtering? I never comment but this is blowing my mind if it’s real. Anyways nice!
Is there still time to hire you to play Ellie in the HBO series?
Honestly my first thought was “No way this isn’t just a screenshot from the game”. Nicely done.
Let’s see it before all the editing.
I smell ya swag
Posts a heavily edited photo. So exited to the point textures lose all meaning.
People bewildered that it looks like an in engine render.
Every time I see an Ellie cosplay posted, I can’t help but think of that one cosplay where the Ellie cosplayer’s boyfriend or husband cosplayed Joel and they’re making out in one of the photos and the hilarious reddit comments that resulted.
so much photoshop, the pic doesn’t even look real anymore
What do you mean, that’s cosplay?!?!
For a minute l thought it’s a fanart