Russian skater Kamila Valieva doping case: She is PERMITTED to skate
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Russian skater Kamila Valieva doping case: She is PERMITTED to skate
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Ah yes. The Olympic spirit. Allowing doped athletes to compete.
*Inspiring music plays*
Olympics are and always will be a joke for as long as decisions like this go on
By clean she means not yet caught.
It’s a Russian skater in the Chinese Olympics. Shock.
The CAS is a joke.
For a taste of their idiocy, just read [their Manchester city verdict](https://www.tas-cas.org/fileadmin/user_upload/CAS_Award_6785___internet__.pdf)
They basically ask „did you lie.“ they say „no we did not“. CAS, ok seems credible to us
Great precedent set here. What’s stopping Russia from just doping all their underage athletes?
I hate catty Johnny Weir and his little catty partner, but he’s 100% right
It doesn’t matter if Valieva took the medicine with mouth or got a hit with a syringe.
After getting doped, it’s not like jumping well and improving consistency in a sudden.
She constantly takes medicine regardless of the off-season or the on-season, making it easier than others to build muscles, avoid injuries, shorten recovery, and take longer training hours.
In short, the muscles that she already has are muscles that are made easier than others.
Her jump consistency is a consistency created by recovering faster than others and taking a long practice without injury.
If she quits taking medicine for a month, would that disappear right away?
In short, compare this to a game, but you’re already wearing cash items.
From now on, even if you can’t use cash, you’re already wearing full cash items. How can anyone win you with pure technique?
So, it’s not important whether she took medicine or not for a month or two. It’s important that she trained while continuously taking doping like having vitamins.
It means she has been improving her skills several times easier than others.
So Kamila is definitely not right to participate.
It’s meaningless that she’s negative during the Olympics. It’s important that she HAD the medicine.
Anyone who fed a kid drugs to compete should never be allowed anywhere near sports again.
People miss a lot of context in this one imo. Yea doping is a terrible act and should be banned but in this case it’s hard to ban her from the olympics for several reasons. She was tested positive months ago with a very small dose of a very specific medicine, all around the Olympic Games she has tested negative. The dose she got testes positive on was from a very common tonsillitis medicine that is on the doping list. The medicine has a side effect on the heart (which then changes regeneration of muscles) that’s why it’s on the list. When she was tested positive she was living at home and had (proven by a non Russian doctor) an angina that’s why she took the medicine. Ofc it’s still very unclear situation and it could all be an elaborate doping scheme by here trainers or whatever (totally a possibility) and you could actually ban her but I don’t think it’s the completely wrong decision to not ban her (I k ow I will get downvoted, but just know that I have nothing to do with Russia or the sport of figure skating and just wanted to share some more Informations so people can make up their own mind)
As a baseball fan, I’m thankful the corruption and cheating at the olympics at least make MLB look a little better.
Oh who am I kidding, we still let an entire team who cheated keep their ill-gotten World Series trophy. Fuck I hate sports right now.
F*ck the ROC
I’m sorry, but no Russian athletes should be allowed to compete – period. They compete now but not under the Russian flag. What a joke. The cheating there was systemic and rampant.
So the court got Putin’s message I see.. I think we all saw this coming, surely Putin called in a favour
Jesus Christ, Russia. She’s fifteen…
Well looks like a few people just got a lot more richer
I’m sorry. None of this should come as a surprise to anyone who follows sports. The Olympics has been a mess of corruption for decades. This is nothing new.
Typical IOC corruption.
Wonder if they would have made this decision if there was going to be a full audience there to boo her.
Tru but literally none of them are clean
Man I thought they couldn’t make the olympics more of a joke then it already was, clearly I was wrong. Might be a shitty attitude to take but we should all just ignore any medals russia or china win dureing this because shits way to shady.
Maybe they all should be on drugs, lol
Didn’t marijuana prevent a woman runner over the summer from competing?
Russia is exempt form drugging rules . They dope and get to participate anyway so where are the rules ? So weak as a country that they can’t compete without cheating ??? Putin should be very proud of his WEAK ASS ATHLETES that reflect the over all weakness of his country .
They really ended up in the most absurd place possible
She can compete, but if she finishes top 3 there won’t be any medals given out…
So what is the point?
Just like this whole ROC BS. They got away with it. Between the allowing of doping and these fraud passport hot potatoes like Eileen Gu the Olympics are a joke. Wait Leah Thomas is destroying 16 year olds in the Olympics in a few years.
You wanna play the game you play by the rules if not gtfo, it’s a absolute joke an basically undermines the small amount of integrity the Olympics had left
I think it’s important to point out that she’s also not allowed to get the medal or flower ceremony if she places
15 year old girl takes medication for her heart.
What people fail to realize is that this drug test was conducted in December. Not right before the event. Why it took 2 months to get the results out are beyond me.
Both samples have to be tested. You can fail these tests for drinking the wrong tea. Other times you can fail for drinking too much of a tea. College athletes some pop on these tests if they’ve had too much coffee. Premium quality multi vitamins? You’ll certainly pop. Pre workout powders. You’ll pop. Energy drinks like monster and red bull. You’ll pop too. The test are checking for any elevation of almost anything. This is why it’s important to check the B sample.
The kid is 15, she had an edge before she got here. I could totally be wrong, but I’d say this ends and the girl didn’t break any rules. But you can count on our news to make a huge deal about it, and our gov to use it in their anti Russia campaign. That said, it can totally go the other way. I just don’t think it will. A a
On another note, a dude in a wig, can get in a ring and fight a woman.. let’s put this all in perspective.
But if she wins there will be no medal ceremony, so I guess is that the IOC has decided to punish everybody by denying any celebration for any medal. Stupid is as stupid does…..
A just decision. Good job CAS for looking past the anti Russian hysteria. Dick Pound can eat dirt… also, how much do you have to hate your kid to name him Dick Pound
She cheated. Why on earth was she not just thrown out of the competition?
I must be missing something?
It makes no sense. I could see if she was from some country that did not have an extensive history of cheating. But she is Russian!
If not going to follow the rules then why even have rules?
Clean might be a juicy definition
Skating is one thing. Competing is another. Who cares if she skates? Consider her performances moving forward nothing more than entertainment between competitors, like a halftime show. She’s no longer a competitor.
There’s nothing lost in letting her skate.
“Clean athletes”
Russia (ROC, whatever) should be on a “one strike and you’re out” rule at this point. The whole country is supposedly banned from the Olympics because of a state-sponsored doping program. The “ROC” athletes are only permitted to compete as “neutral” as an exception by special permission.
Even if we accept for the sake of argument that the ROC “neutral” athletes ought to be able to compete at all because they were the “clean” ones and shouldn’t be be punished for the sins of others – any evidence to the contrary ought to result in an immediate and total ban.
This is not some poor 15 yo kid who inadvertently tested positive for a banned substance. This is the best skater in the world, from a country banned for pervasive state-sponsored doping, allowed to compete on basically a humanitarian exception, who then tested positive for a banned substance just before the Olympics, which somehow didn’t get reported until her team had already skated. Screw her. At a minimum, everyone associated with ROC skating should be banned from further competition and stripped of any medals they otherwise would have received.
A reporter noted that “people we’re looking forward to seeing her skate…” as a justification. Seriously, we’ve become children who can’t be mildly inconvenienced.
Correction : against people who did not fail a drug test.
At this point I feel like you should just assume the Russians are doping. They were banned from participating in so many international sports as Russua for this very reason.
The IOC has put ROC on “double secret probation”
andreea raducan…. thats all i gotta say. the ioc was wrong in stripping her of her gold for being prescribed neurofen, essentially ibuprofen, when she had the friggin flu-monia!…. ended up taking neurofen off the banned substance list the next olympics if i recall. she was a kid prescribed something by the team doc and they still screwed her over. i dont know the details of this case, but if that was the standard for something as ridiculous as punishing someone for turning out a gold winning performance with pneumonia, this thing should be a no brainer… i mean did she pull of thr 2 quads while under the influence of robatussin? if so who cares… if she has been doing bavkflips for the last 3 years because she has been huffing xenon or some such, welp…. then her trainers, country, and parents let her down at the very least.
I understand the decision, and you would like to believe that she didn’t have a choice in the matter. “Take these or else you won’t be allowed to compete” or something like that. But the fact is, she was taking performance enhancers and should not be allowed to compete. Otherwise, as others have pointed out, what is to stop any country from doping their under-age athletes?