December 1, 2022 by VenusSmurf 1997 yearbook photo–the guy with the duct tape suit [ad_2] View Reddit by VenusSmurf – View Source
Ah, when duct taped everything was in. I got my first job in a pair of duct-taped socks. December 1, 2022 at 10:08 pm Reply
Don’t know if they still do it but there used to be a contest with the duck tape company that you could win money or a scholarship for making your prom dress/tux out of duct tape. December 2, 2022 at 2:26 am Reply
Ah, when duct taped everything was in. I got my first job in a pair of duct-taped socks.
Ha! That’s bad ass.
Look at that shine! He should make a come back XD
sick as hell
Don’t know if they still do it but there used to be a contest with the duck tape company that you could win money or a scholarship for making your prom dress/tux out of duct tape.
The AIR shoes scream 90’s