The Moon and Mars were this close a couple of hours ago.
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The Moon and Mars were this close a couple of hours ago.
View Reddit by danborja – View Source
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Celestron Nexstar 6SE
TeleVue Barlow 2x
AVX mount
NASA should have Artemis swing by Mars real quick before it’s millions of miles away again.
Tf were you doing on the moon?
It’s like a polaroid was taken and then sent through a Netscape account and opened on an MS-DOS computer.
The interesting part is, when mars is this close, you’ve already missed the best transfer window by a huge amount of time.
Hi 👋 Uncle Martin 🛸
What is that? Like 3 miles?
I was looking up at them and I could clearly see the orange colour of Mars
So that bright blip next to moon was mars last night?
Great photo!
just 50 million miles apart!
The uninviting mountains on the lunar surface.
If an object was hovering at the edge of the moon on the same plane as that Mars on the pic, how high would that be?
But it’s light outside. 🤣
Nice try moon aliens
I think you mean to say Mars and it’s own moon.
The earth is about the same size on the famous picture taken from moon orbit by Armstrong or even smaller, so either Mars is as close or closer to the Moon than Earth, or this is manipulated somehow.
You must be pretty tall to stand on the moon and see the curvature
To everyone who thinks this is fake: I simulated it and it works out.
Nice shot u/danborja
See! Why did my school teach me that mats was big? It’s clearly super small.
Didn’t know you guys were all experts on astrophysics and telescopy.
What about The Moon & Antarctica?
I had my scope, camera, rig, and site all picked out for yesterday’s occultation. And then the fog rolled in, and I got nothing.
Skies are hit or miss this time of year in the Pacific Northwest.