Teenagers arrested for smoking marijuana in Los Angeles. Early 1970s.
Teenagers arrested for smoking marijuana in Los Angeles. Early 1970s. from OldSchoolCool
View Reddit by MrDuckarino – View Source
Teenagers arrested for smoking marijuana in Los Angeles. Early 1970s.
Teenagers arrested for smoking marijuana in Los Angeles. Early 1970s. from OldSchoolCool
View Reddit by MrDuckarino – View Source
“Alright alright alright”
Them kids are pissed!
They were ahead of their time.
They also didn’t have very good shit if they were still that angry.
I seriously thought this was some obscure spoof they did from the movie. He seriously looks like M.M.
These guys are like 60-70 now.
This seems so scripted. Funny how the pigs give them enough screen time to get the message across. And besides that, when the fuck has anyone been that aggressive stoned?
Marijuana’s the flame, heroin’s the fuse, LSD’s the bomb.
You can tell this was scripted because the cops didnt immediately beat the shit out of the black dude for resisting
Feels scripted
Definitely scripted….They’re all a little too hip/attractive and each have their perfect little sound bites. Still pretty cool.
Smokin reefers
The only thing that video was missing was Joe Friday’s monologue
This is so real ! (eye roll)
You know it’s scripted because there’s no cursing in it.
“KNOW YOUR DOPE FIEND. YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT! You will not be able to see his eyes because of the Tea-Shades, but his knuckles will be white from inner tension and his pants will be crusted with semen from constantly jacking off when he can’t find a rape victim. He will stagger and babble when questioned. He will not respect your badge. The Dope Fiend fears nothing. He will attack, for no reason, with every weapon at his command-including yours. BEWARE. Any officer apprehending a suspected marijuana addict should use all necessary force immediately. One stitch in time (on him) will usually save nine on you. Good luck.
-The Chief”
That “teenager” looks like he’s pushing 30.
This is so scripted. What was this even filmed for? Genuinely curious of the source
People think its scripted and I can sympathize since all we see now are social media doing just that. BUT people back in that era had the strange outspoken wordiness mannerisms that we don’t really see today. From game shows, interviews, animal or history documentaries and
even sitcoms they all have this behavior ingrained into them.
Source: used to work in the elderly ward where they played a lot of this stuff as part of creating that homely environment for the folks living there
This can’t be real
“Blowing Grass” is my new favorite.
Wow some kind of angry weed.
It may be scripted, but it does make you think of all the kids whose lives were ruined by the US Government over pot.
Baby boomers 😭 🍼🐥 😭
Pretty sure that was taken from an anti-drug film they showed us in high school 1972.
I don’t recall the title, but these are clips from an anti-drug scare film we shown as kids back in the early ‘70s. As they walked each kid out of the house, they’d say some shit like “…pot is no more dangerous than cigarettes!” After a half dozen statements like this were made, the film rebutted each one, like “Would you rather the mechanic who just did your car’s brake job just smoked a cigarette, or a marijuana?”