Orson Welles, Paul Mason Wine Commercial, 1978
Orson Welles, Paul Mason Wine Commercial, 1978 from OldSchoolCool
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Orson Welles, Paul Mason Wine Commercial, 1978
Orson Welles, Paul Mason Wine Commercial, 1978 from OldSchoolCool
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How did one of the great directors of the 20th century get reduced to being a huckster for cheap wine?
Their slogan was, *”Paul Masson sells no wine before its time.”* They were already a slight object of humorist parody. However, a few outtakes came out showing Mr. Welles clearly inebriated rousing up its ‘popularity’ again.
Is that Frasier?
“May was a good year.” Serve well chilled.
My first awareness of Orson Welles wasn’t his movies but these commercials.
Mmmm…taste the pea-ness.
A California champagne 🍾 haha
Green pea-ness
When sparkling wine from other than Champagne FR was still called champagne.
There was a guy who did an AMA-like thing about this commercial. Said Welles was drunk continually, but a good sport about the whole thing. Lots of outtakes, but still.
And, to be fair, it’s a good ad. Welles seems to give it a good shot as well.
“It was at a certain point in my career as an artist that I decided I should no longer suffer fools.”
“The same thing we do every night, Pinky! Try to take over the world!”
He was some kind of man
“Oh, what luck, there’s a french fry stuck in my beard!”
OMG!!!! I totally remember that!!!
Ok now show us the goofy bloopers version.
“Champagne from California” that would be a lawsuit today?
I still quote that to this day. Loved that commercial.
And the bank will tell you…………when it’s time
It’s Masson.
Orson Welles walked so Eric Jonrush could run.
“This do anything?…”
This is Kelsey Grammar in a few years. 😉
It’s even better when you’re dead!
Muuaaaahhh the french champagne
Drunk Orson: *”Palm Anoss shmells so fine before its time…”*
One can be a truly great artist, and not also be a stuffed shirt pretentious little shit. And also pay the rent.
Where’s the drunk version?
Nobody ever seems to talk about how they went from those “AHHH THE FRENCH” outtakes to this polished version.
My guess is the director sent everyone home and made Orson come back sober before they’d cut the check.
Where’s the outtakes? They’re amazing.
There’s outtakes of this on YouTube of him shitfaced and slurring his words til the director shuts it down
AH! The French.
My favorite of these commercials was the one where Orson is walking into a house party as Blue Nun comes riding past on a bicycle. They wave and he says, “Hi Blue Nun.” Then he steps inside as the Gallo brothers are walking by. “Ernie! Julio!”, he says, “how are you?!”