Wednesday, February 12All That Matters

How poor people survive in the USA | DW Documentary


  • When I was living in Germany, I was always struck by how even my most conservative/right-wing German friends simply couldn’t fathom the idea of a rich country letting its citizens go without food or shelter. Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to break though the messed-up reality we’ve gotten used to.

  • This is what voting against your own self interests does, these people voted for republicans their whole life, even as recently as last week the Republican Party has no interest in making life better for Americans, and they think trickle down economics is the only way to go.

  • Lives in gentrified location where cost of living is through roof.

    Refuses to leave and demands prices be tolerable to them.

    No one is making you live in downtown LA. You’re doing this to yourself at a certain point.

  • Voting for a man who thinks you are worthless, and is very clear about his lack of support for you. SMDH. Obama fought to give these same idiots healthcare and they rejected him. Dumbasses who deserve their lot.

  • I am worried about getting old and how high inflation is. I make almost 50k a year but I live alone. It’s…rough. If I get sick or end up with having to just go to the hospital I have no idea what is going to happen.

    I took ONE ambulance ride in my life because I could not breathe. It took me a long time to pay it off as it was over $2000 dollars for a 5 minute ride. That was BEFORE my ER visit.

    It took me years to recover from that. The system here in the USA is broken. Most people I talk to in their late20s and early 30s either are living with multiple people in a small house or make near 6 figures a year. There is no inbetween.

  • Maria is middle class? The narrator said that her salary was the equivalent of 1500 euros. Per… month? Per *week?* If it’s per week, then yes, that is middle class! That’s 72000 annually! I’m incredulous that someone could earn that much and not be able to afford rent, even in California. If her *monthly* salary is 1500, then she isn’t middle class; she is a low-income earner.

  • I remember this documentary. Since this is from 2019, what has changed in the last three years to help combat foreclosure and homelessness in America? There continues to be an issue with citizens living in their car or trying to survive either in shelters or on the streets.

  • What’s even worse is for all the programs out there designed to help people they are severely broken. I’m a veteran living in a hotel with my 3 kids. I work 2 jobs and pay 520 a week to live there. I’m barely surviving and I can’t save up for a place because it takes all I make to maintain what I have.
    I’ve called multiple programs that say they help homeless veterans but I guess I’m not homeless enough to qualify. They all tell me I have to be in a shelter. I’ve been in a hotel for a year now just trying to keep my head above water at this point.

  • One of the things that baffles me. I’m not trying to make any assumptions about the women at the beginning.

    She said she was clearing about $1822/mo(converted from Euros).

    That is only $65/ PER DAY. “Working 7 days a week.” NINE HOUR DAYS!

    I’m sorry, fucking what? You could apply and work fast food for something like $14-18/hr. You’re already living in your car, that sucks. Why the fuck would you work a job that is 7 days a week and pays ~~well below~~ *HALF* minimum wage? Cali has WAY higher minimum wages for different jobs.

    A $15/hr job, part time at 30 hours a week is the same amount of money. You’d have days off if you want a 2nd job to clear extra. Again I’m not trying to make any assumptions about her but it just doesn’t make sense. If you don’t have rent to pay, living in a car/van/truck that is (maybe) paid off, you should be able to find time to find a different job. Yes internet is hard to get and applying online on a phone can suck but it’s not impossible.

    I just…it’s hard for me to understand. I’ve dealt with unemployment, more than once. I had to do temp work, I was unemployed for 18 months during covid, and unemployment fucked me any way they could. I did still collect, but there were moments were I was like “am I going to lose my car? Can I make rent and eat?” My states minimum wage was $10.10 at that point, and only this year went up to $12.

  • I think what a lot of Europeans don’t understand is that America’s version of neoliberal privatization impacts not only the services shown in this documentary, but also journalism and the greater media. Thus, the vast majority of underserved Americans are unaware that a higher quality of life is achievable for a country of such wealth.

  • Most of california’s homeless problem could be solved if they werent so against affordable high rise housing. It’s supposed to be a progressive state but it’s another instance of ‘I have mine, fuck you’.

  • My wife’s a doctor with 2 jobs and I make a small income being self employed and yet we both spent today visiting areas we could park our small camper van at in order to live in. Rent and expenses in our area are so insanely high that there’s a real case for us just living out of our van in order to save for a home purchase.

  • Why dont people with obvious skill and trades move to more affordable places to live. Here you can be a house keeper and make enough to afford an apartment.

    Why do people choose to stay and live in one of the most expensive places in USA?

    I got out of California in 1985, found a sweet little apartment in Spokane for a fraction of the cost in California making the amount of money. Same wages, same shifts but could finally afford childcare and car payments.

    Finally left spoken foe Missouri where I got a nice house in a self made business of cleaning houses. Made my own hours so I could be home when my kids got out of school.

    California is just too expensive, not many people can afford to live there,

  • “And officer shithead shows no sympathy”

    Yea, expecting empathy or sympathy from LEO…Gonna be waiting a long time. More likely to get blood from a stone than you are empathy from a cop.

  • It’s almost like American laws center around kicking people when they’re down. That dude making tiny homes in LA seems like a good guy, fuck the local authorities for not giving the guy some kind of grant to help people.

    The way this country operates, I’m scared shitless for my son and myself. I do well enough, but I know that if I ended up disabled or unable to work that my family would get thrown away like yesterday’s pizza box.

  • Someone should make a website where you put in your location and it collects information about your current situation, and then it tells you exactly what help you are entitled to and walks you through getting it.

  • One of the secrets I keep from others around me:

    Ever since the first time I lived in my car, I always keep it ready for me to do it again. Just in case. I’ve realized that no matter how good I start doing, it takes incredibly little to bring me back to that point again. Or anyone.

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