Some people say it’s horrible, I kind of like it. The Freemont Troll in Seattle.
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Some people say it’s horrible, I kind of like it. The Freemont Troll in Seattle.
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This sub becoming a creepy art sculpture gallery
That’s some last boss domain vibe.
Under a bridge. A troll seems appropriate.
I can smell it from here
I don’t know a single person, in my 30 something years in Seattle, say the Freemont Troll is horrible.
Now the Kraken mascot on the other hand…
That’s the same troll statue from Once Upon A Time. Never knew it was real. Although the background is a little different.
I walked by this guy every day for a couple years. It’s awesome and there’s amazing people watching to be seen.
That’s one way to ensure people go Sleepless in Seattle
someone make an r/shittypublicart sub for this
That’s a cool one!
Nice Lil smile
You gotta pay the troll toll to get the boy soul.
r/hostilearchitecture disguised as art
Looks like a crone from witcher 3
I think it’s pretty cool. I got to see out the last time I was there, in 2004
It’s the best one I’ve seen pass by here these days
Nice to see the homeless have a friend to do drugs by
This makes so much sense and is so un-ugly it can’t actually be considered art.
Freemont troll is Hella cool.
I’ve always wondered about it’s origin. Like, was it just some guerilla art project, or was it commissioned? IS it poured concrete, or carved out of the earth? I’m sure there’s a Wikipedia article that could answer my questions, but I’ve been too lazy to look.
Featured in 10 things I hate about you
It’s so clean! When did they finally remove the graffiti?
Seattle has everything. Big troll, house from Up, you name it.
It was in ’10 things I hate about you’ right?
Washington residents who think the troll is horrible all live in Bellevue.
I humped this thing when I was really high/drunk on my bachelor party
Now with 100% less graffiti and heroine junkies!
Who the hell says it’s horrible?!? The Fremont troll is a Seattle classic
Hey the Freemont Troll is awesome.
My first time being in Seattle I visited this statue and I thought it was badass.
Wow i love it. Its like a fairy tale realized 🙂
wasnt this in where in the world is matt ?
This… makes sense. I like it
All of the “horrible art” I’ve seen on this sub in the last few days is a huge waste of money and an insult to people. Who voted on these monstrosities and have they seen beforehand what they were getting? Way to spend tax dollars! 🙄
Hostile architecture.