Patient gamers have been right all along. Wait a year after release, then look into it. Will likely have some of its dlcs (let’s remember many of them were just cut from the game to be sold in chunks. More likely with the first dlcs released anyway) discounted. By then it will have plenty of reviews and when possible, mods. The biggest game breaking bugs will have been found and fixed.. hopefully. Plus if you are like me and like to have a let’s play of the same game going while you play, there should be plenty to binge while you chop trees.
My lawyers tell me I should remind you that I am not an expert or even a patient gamer. (Dying light 2 looks like fun) I am just a guy with a keyboard.(not even a keyboard I’m on my phone) A keyboard and a deep, smoldering anger, at the industry he used to love.
Everyone’s getting angry at “incompetent dev’s” for releasing buggy games… not realizing it’s the new business model… Why spend years developing a bug free game, on the off chance that it flops on release? Much better (financially) to release a buggy game (oops! sorry!) And see if it earns enough $$$, or market influence to warrant several dev cycle’s fixing. They are just passing the savings along to themselves.
Just look at CP2077, when the heat was on it was all promises, fixes , apologies and roadmaps. A year later, the heat is off, and they’ve delivered almost none of it, and the ceo’s take home 6 figure bonuses. The industry (and gamers) have moved on, and so has CDpR.
I preordered FF7R back in 2016. It finally arrived in 2020. I play 30+ hours. Next thing I know I’m stuck in a vent and am forced to replay the last 8 hours again. They had nearly 4 years to fix this bug. A year later it was free.
Dying light 2 on Xbox runs almost like a dream. I ran into a bug where I feel through the floor of a skyscraper once. And my game has only crashed once out of playing since sat or sun.
Damn bro, blaming people for wanting to have a game the day it comes out sure is so bad that i should do a meme about instead of minding my fucking business am I right epic gamers ?
Fuck Battlefield!
Haha no
Maybe this will give you some incentive to stop preordering games.
That why in this new era of games I will wait until all of the game are fix before I buy them.
Yes, because triple A games like Battlefield and Call of Duty are the only ones that exist…
Hell, only Battlefield and Call of Duty exist, right?
Never pre ordering a house again
It just works.
Patient gamers have been right all along. Wait a year after release, then look into it. Will likely have some of its dlcs (let’s remember many of them were just cut from the game to be sold in chunks. More likely with the first dlcs released anyway) discounted. By then it will have plenty of reviews and when possible, mods. The biggest game breaking bugs will have been found and fixed.. hopefully. Plus if you are like me and like to have a let’s play of the same game going while you play, there should be plenty to binge while you chop trees.
My lawyers tell me I should remind you that I am not an expert or even a patient gamer. (Dying light 2 looks like fun) I am just a guy with a keyboard.(not even a keyboard I’m on my phone) A keyboard and a deep, smoldering anger, at the industry he used to love.
Stop buying shitty games
pretty tired of this repost… i think i have seen it in 20+ groups…
I think pre-ordering halo was fine
Everyone’s getting angry at “incompetent dev’s” for releasing buggy games… not realizing it’s the new business model… Why spend years developing a bug free game, on the off chance that it flops on release? Much better (financially) to release a buggy game (oops! sorry!) And see if it earns enough $$$, or market influence to warrant several dev cycle’s fixing. They are just passing the savings along to themselves.
Just look at CP2077, when the heat was on it was all promises, fixes , apologies and roadmaps. A year later, the heat is off, and they’ve delivered almost none of it, and the ceo’s take home 6 figure bonuses. The industry (and gamers) have moved on, and so has CDpR.
I preordered FF7R back in 2016. It finally arrived in 2020. I play 30+ hours. Next thing I know I’m stuck in a vent and am forced to replay the last 8 hours again. They had nearly 4 years to fix this bug. A year later it was free.
I pre ordered
Resident evil village
Death loop
Ratchet and clank
Smt v
Metroid dread.
Good year.
Currently have Preorders for
Still thinking about GT7 and strangers of paradise
POV: You’re walking around in a Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, or Skyrim.
Must be bethesda.
I hardly ever preorder but I caved in and preordered the new Lego Star Wars game because I know that even if it’s bad I’ll love it.
Eh, close enough.
Not preordering it doesn’t magically change the quality of it though
Dying light 2 on Xbox runs almost like a dream. I ran into a bug where I feel through the floor of a skyscraper once. And my game has only crashed once out of playing since sat or sun.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Never forget…..
*Loud thumping sounds of objects colliding, followed by one of the buildings getting yeeted into orbit.*
Keep that circle jerk going with the maximum mean jerk time.
Yeah, I was burned by No Mans Sky.
But I also preordered the Collectors Edition for Elden Ring, because I played the closed network test and that demo was the best game of 2020 for me.
I preordered a game for the first time ever today.
Fromsoft better not make me regret it.
It’s really cute how so many here think that not pre-ordering a game would actually make any difference.
I preordered Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves. Its not bad for how the game is running also its my first time playing Uncharted 4.
Reminds me of the show Fringe.
I just tried CrossfireX today. …remind my again why people liked this? It’s AWFUL!
Uhm I swear I didn’t do it bill
I can hear the source “wood colliding” sound just looking at that image
Pre-ordered Dragon Age Inquisition and was so pissed the xbox 360 graphics were trash. Upgraded to a PS4 just for that game.
I pre-ordered DOOM Eternal and turned out well. Though there aren’t really any studios other than id that’d think about pre-ordering from.
Damn bro, blaming people for wanting to have a game the day it comes out sure is so bad that i should do a meme about instead of minding my fucking business am I right epic gamers ?
Doesn’t happen to first party PlayStation games.