I like dark and dry humour , bu this is just crappy “pranks”.
The point of a joke is to make people laugh , even the person who is the bud of the joke. Because you know… the person who is at the center knows they are involved in the joke.
How is this funny? He words it like that on purpose and then proceeds to make her feel like shit and embarrassed. This is passive aggressive bullying imoa
That’s not funny, that’s r/watchpeopledieinside
She looked so sad
What an awful way to ask that.
Tbh, I don’t think this is funny… It makes me feel bad for her, it’s actually kind of sad 😔
So messed up. Smh
She could have been single and still waiting with someone. What a stupid way to ask for the chair.
That’s fucking mean man. She didn’t do nothin for that. Not cool
Normalising dick moves by posting them on the internet is fairly pathetic.
This is what makes people die a little inside, and mistrust. Super sad.
Emotional damage
Bruh how sensitive are y’all lol
It’s probably staged. But anyway I think if the genders swapped, the comments wouldn’t be the same.
Damn people cant take a joke
I like this comment section.
If SHE had done that to HIM everyone commenting would be laughing about it ….
This is her villain origin story
Yall really like making assumptions
Not funny at all. Get a life man!
I once try to accompany a person who was eating alone in McD. He is now my very good social friend
Who hurt this comment section?
Can I just say, that I hate it when people mess with other people’s emotions for no good reason. Especially for the sake of “likes” on social media.
That was lame and not at all funny or amusing. What’s the point of that juvenile prank? To hurt someone’s feelings?
Not funny…
This sucks.
Yikes on a trike… ask the relevant question, or sit and talk. Don’t go halfway with a quarter swerve, jerkwad.
A similar prank was played on me 30 years ago. I still remember it like it was yesterday, and it messed with my self-image and how I relate to men.
This isn’t funny, it’s just mean.
r/funny is not for tutorial videos on how to be an ass.
Aww feel bad for her. She is pretty.
Imagine thinking this was good content.
It’s both boring and bully-encouraging even if it is staged. Not even remotely clever.
Emotional Damage!
Why is this in r/funny belongs in r/cruel
Poor girl 🥲
My hug reflex was off the scale.
Edit: Yes I know hugging random people in the street isn’t appropriate. Get a fucking grip!!!
Honestly just looking at her eyes?
Dude that’s just soul crushing. You can literally see it happening.
That’s just sad. She deserves better than to be the butt of a lowclass, below the belt joke
Is it me or that girl looks 13 or something?
Na this is not funny.
I like dark and dry humour , bu this is just crappy “pranks”.
The point of a joke is to make people laugh , even the person who is the bud of the joke. Because you know… the person who is at the center knows they are involved in the joke.
This is lowkey bullying.
And that was when she decided to be evil.
Not cool at all!!
This is fucked up, ain’t funny.
How is this funny? He words it like that on purpose and then proceeds to make her feel like shit and embarrassed. This is passive aggressive bullying imoa
This is evil
Me too, and it is not funny.
In the full video (search youtube are you single chair prank) the girl is sad even after the explanation.
I fail to see the humour in this?
No one deserves that, don’t make jokes like that