I’m gonna throw in my 2 cents to say that this is like 1,000 calories per taco with multiple protein sources and cream cheese. This is a stoner meal, not a struggle meal.
There is no struggling there. Plenty of protein sitting on those flour tortillas. If there was any struggling going on there would be a vast amount of meatballs missing.
There’s a big difference between struggling and being lazy. If they were struggling, they would turn the meatball mountain there into about 4-6 of these bad bois
Its highly processed chicken on top of a tortilla, reheated meatballs, cream cheese, ranch and bbq sauce with cheese
Lol fawwwwk nope.
Lol… I constantly tell my wife that, “One can make a burrito out of almost anything.”
This is the world economy is a snap shot
Me when stoned enough.
Is it bad that I’m kinda jealous?
Oh good god. This might be a crime.
I would eat that shit.
How is this struggling when there are two types of meat being used here? I’ve had to eat mayo and ketchup sandwiches while in school.
I’m gonna throw in my 2 cents to say that this is like 1,000 calories per taco with multiple protein sources and cream cheese. This is a stoner meal, not a struggle meal.
At first I thought that was for your dog.
That looks like a good meal to me must have never seen a struggle meal in real life
Struggle to eat all of it maybe. That’s like, four times the amount of food a person could eat in a meal.
IKEA meatballs?
1. ham is expensive
2. cheese is expensive
3. meatballs are expensive
A struggle meal is rice and beans, or maybe boiled oats.
get the toilet roll ready
His presentation skills definitely need a buff.
Is that dog food or for a person?
The struggle comes later on the toilet.
Looks like poop from a butt.
Gross 🤢
I would eat this when I’m drunk and it would be the thing I want most
There is no struggling there. Plenty of protein sitting on those flour tortillas. If there was any struggling going on there would be a vast amount of meatballs missing.
There’s way to many options in there to be considered a struggle meal!!!!
My god what za Hell is this meal even called?
I’ve eaten worse. Cheese singles rolled up with sriracha? Yup.
Nowadays I’ve gotten much better though lol. Just waiting for fresh baked bread to come out of the oven, and starting on a veggie noodle stir fry.
all they had to do was leave the meatballs out, put some lettuce and a bit of cucumber in and they would have had a decent wrap
Meal on Xanax be like
OHH they’re MEATBALLS?? I thought they were chocolate donut holes and I was so confused.
This is puke-inducing. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea.
Goddamn just steal a bag of rice.
When you and your buddies pool MREs
That’s gourmet shit right there
You havent eaten rice with either soy sauce or salt yet havent you?
Are those frozen meatballs or falafel!? Lol
Whispers “Please, no.”
There’s a big difference between struggling and being lazy. If they were struggling, they would turn the meatball mountain there into about 4-6 of these bad bois
Are those IKEA meatballs ….
I thought those were coco puffs at first lmao
I didn’t know misery became a filling.
You really got everyone going with this pic!
I eat pieces of shit like this for breakfast
Looks kinda nice tbh