Driver here. I’ve been stopped by a peacock, a herd of goats, chickens, and some not so friendly puppers. I swear you really start to learn how to properly read an animal’s body language in this job. You kind of have to… 🤣
Chicken attack
Chicken attack
Watch your back
Before it fades to black
They might look harmless but they’ll kick your non-chicken ass
Go chicken go!
Go chicken go!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky
This guy Zeldas
Each job has its hazards.
Geese are far more territorial than chickens and can actually hurt you.
Hens, no problems. Roosters will F you up, which is their job… to protect their territory.
Baaahaha! Omg you pour thing. Haha.
Driver here. I’ve been stopped by a peacock, a herd of goats, chickens, and some not so friendly puppers. I swear you really start to learn how to properly read an animal’s body language in this job. You kind of have to… 🤣
Chick-fil-A wants to know your location.
Chicken attack
Chicken attack
Watch your back
Before it fades to black
They might look harmless but they’ll kick your non-chicken ass
Go chicken go!
Go chicken go!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky