My dad had a brain tumor removed with a laser today so I made these for him. Seemed appropriate.
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My dad had a brain tumor removed with a laser today so I made these for him. Seemed appropriate.
View Reddit by flyingmonkey1257 – View Source
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Ok dr evil
Far better than just some ill tempered bass.
Are those frikkin’ sharks with frikkin’ laser beams on their frikkin’ heads?
Build him a rocket next.
“You’re the best evil son an evil dad could ever ask for.”
You threw him a freakin’ bone here!
Laser shark doodoo doo doo doodoo
That’s no way to get a*head* in life.

Sea bass?
Are they ill tempered?
Freaking lasers!! Dr. Evil would be proud
Now, evidently, my cycloptic colleague informs me that that can’t be done.
Seems like a good situation for that guy who’s dads tool box had a shark drawer
Is your dad Doctor Frikkin’ Evil by chance?

you’re going to remove his eyesight too? that seems a bit harsh
Scotty, no!
Scotty is on Reddit!!!

Every creature deserves a warm meal

Best wishes to you and your dad.
You know… I had one request.
Are those sharks with freaking lazer beams attached to their heads.
Sharks with lasers: Well done! You are a good kid. I’d be proud of you! All your sins have been forgotten.
I hope your dad is doing well. That’s a very heavy and taxing surgery on both the body and obviously the mind. My mom had a massive tumor removed 11 years ago, about the size of an orange. She then had to go through radiation twice. Left her with a pretty rough case of aphasia, she can’t get around very well and her memory is pretty bad. I sincerely hope your dad does not develop any of my mom symptoms, for the sake of everyone around. Best wishes my friend.
Slightly better than I’ll tempered sea bass

Laser shark do do do do do do..
My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery.
“Laser shark do do do do do laser shark”
I feel /r/outoftheloop
Frickin laser beams
Make another one and get it framed, then give it to the doctor as a “thank you”
Laser shark the cancer destroyer
Seems badass
Are those sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their frickin heads????
Are those sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their frickin heads????
That’s awesome! Glad your father seems to be doing well and that you can both enjoy a laugh despite the circumstance. All the best!
Sharks with friggin laser beams attached to their heads!
lol awesome ! and best wishes re your father, I/we hope for a fully recovery !!
Hope your dad feels better.
I need to watch these again.
Are they ill tempered?