Animated Googly Eyes Could Make Autonomous Cars Safer For Pedestrians
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Animated Googly Eyes Could Make Autonomous Cars Safer For Pedestrians
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source: https://gizmodo.com/self-driving-cars-autonomous-vehicles-googly-eyes-study-1849643126
How long before someone filed a harassment complaint against the googly eyes?
Imagine being accidentally run over by a fucking Cuphead car
There is this fan theory that disney CARS is post human apocalypse so may be it wasn’t such a crazy theory after all.
If they become sentient ai vehicles we will end up living in the future the Korean children cartoons want so desperately
Waste money reinventing something that works perfectly fine (turn signals) and make our streets look like a joke in the process of doing so? Sounds like a solid plan.
Till one of them goes cross eyed
I remember watching a show called Brum as a kid here in the UK. He had googly eyes headlights like this and never knocked anyone down.
I don’t wanna hear shyt from anyone when Skynet takes over its Maximum Overdrive in the streets
Imagine that’s the last thing you see as you get ran over…
Cars 4 is *looking* good.
What in the Zerby Derby is that?!
Ah. I guess it’s time to replace the old blinkers.
All of this so we don’t have to build walkable communities and invest in public transportation. The car is necessary. The car is eternal.
Cars deepest lore
Oh snap, turns out Brum was straight up the future.