I was going to complain about reposting, but apparently this reached my feed from a different subreddit two days ago by same OP. Not trying to hate, but genuinely curious here. Does it work better to post on different days than the same moment on different subreddits?
Wholesome 😀
That couch looks familiar.
And that kids is how I met your mother
“Do you have soda?” No sorry, the delivery gal forgot it -.-
Pizza and chill
She’s cute. Hell with it, I’m in.
are they eating the pizza upside down?
Better love story than Twilight
Is it possible to learn this power?
Now kiss
My dude landed a date.
She’s cute too.
Would totally smash the drawing.
where is the Brazzer logo?
So…2 questions….does she lose her job and do they have sex?
Worked in customer service my whole life.
Was walking into a popeyes when a homeless guy outside asked me for change.
I bought an extra two piece and offered it to him on my way out.
He thanked me, and apologized for being so needy.
I told him ” it’s no trouble, I’m here to help.” And then thanked him back.
As I drove away, I could see the confusion on his face as he tried to process the interaction.
This should absolutely be law. Knowing whatll happen if they fuck up, awkward comments will disappear from the Lexicon and be a thing of the past
Better hope she likes chicken and tomato
How to get a date 101
I was going to complain about reposting, but apparently this reached my feed from a different subreddit two days ago by same OP. Not trying to hate, but genuinely curious here. Does it work better to post on different days than the same moment on different subreddits?
pizza 🙃
This would never happen
Yay new friend
Bom chicka wah wah!
Does it look like I ordered soda?
Have to try this method
Wake up Joni you shit yourself
Welcome to Pizza Slut.
I said we’re gonna watch a movie
Ok this is just cute
You know what you brought.
Why is she crying?
… I usually skip this part.
I’ve seen this porn
Thems the rules…
I know it’s a combination of your style of eyes and her glasses overlapping, but she looks like she’s tearing up for the whole exchange.
But there was only 1 slice left…how is there two in the third panel???
God I do that too often. I’m glad they say “have a good night!” Now.
This took me longer to get than it should have.
Is that the way you get a date with a girl?
The phrase “do you have soda” is brilliant. The comics wouldn’t look that great without it.
Hey how are you?
Not much you?
I think the last time I saw a pizza delivery woman was in 1997
Huh. What I usually see is a delivery guy fucking the customer girl’s brains out.
Do you have condom?