The only game I’ve seen with with a GOOD community is r/enterthegungeon every time someone completes a run people always congratulates them or give them advice.
Funny how fans work, right? A note about the comic itself:
The bottom two frames don’t really serve a purpose in this comic. If you were to add “Fans” to the “Fire Emblem” sign in the first frame, the second frame becomes the punchline. Cleaner execution. As it stands now, the punchline is the protag realizing what the reader realized half a comic ago.
I unsubscribed from nearly every game-specific subreddit that I was subbed to, so much less negativity. I don’t need that sort of granular analysis that leads to dissatisfaction, I know what I like.
“Fire Emblem sucks.” = This person is not a Fire Emblem fan.
“Fire Emblem sucks and here’s a 15 page thesis as to why everything about it is awful.” = This person is a Fire Emblem fan, and has already preordered the next Fire Emblem game.
Who would ever think people who love something would care more for it and the things around it more than the people who arent fans of it. Youre going to be more opinionated about something you love than something you dont care about
Yeah, people passionately discussing things they are a fan of is just *the worst.*
Most of you don’t know the difference between “fan” and “sycophant,” and it shows.
“She’s 500 years old” imagine how many people convince themselves that children-influenced amine characters are free game since their animators gave them a fictional age 😑
I am thinking How can then they be called fans then if they hate the game? That’s just a question but i still know some are gonna be mad about this stupid question
I feel like this is accurate for so many games. Too many games, honestly.
Every time I go into a game’s subreddit for the first time
The only game I’ve seen with with a GOOD community is r/enterthegungeon every time someone completes a run people always congratulates them or give them advice.
A couple of sub are great. But I find most of them are as toxic as r/halo . I’ve been giving up on gaming subs.
I mean, mostly for games that are experimenting with abusive income generating Tactics.
Matt Walsh likes fire emblem??? Holy crap
Lord Aquafresh
A passion for something stirs all emotions.
I don’t get the reference for the toothpaste.
I check for alternate “low sodium” subs. It’s better for my sanity.
Me when I pressed join on the mass effect reddit
If you don’t care about a game, you don’t criticize it.
I try and join game subreddits but I always back out for this exact reason.
I absolutely love Fire Emblem. But if you say the number 14, or start talking about Fate, I will be driven into a fit of rage.
No one hates a thing as strongly as people who love that thing.
r/shitpostemblem is SOMETIMES self aware.
If you guys actually like fire emblem for GBA and not the new overly weeby stuff,
*Symphony of War: The Nephalim Saga*
I promise you won’t be disappointed
Honestly I miss older fire emblems. The GBA fire emblems and Path of Radiance were my favourites
People hate their games because they love them with such passion. A vicious never ending cycle that ends up ruining fandoms.
Good thing I am a “Golden Sun” fan… (*Sobs*)
Love the tactical combat, cringe that it’s basically a dating simulator game inbetween missions.
Only those who truly love something can take the time to learn every little nuance necessary to truly hate something.
Funny how fans work, right? A note about the comic itself:
The bottom two frames don’t really serve a purpose in this comic. If you were to add “Fans” to the “Fire Emblem” sign in the first frame, the second frame becomes the punchline. Cleaner execution. As it stands now, the punchline is the protag realizing what the reader realized half a comic ago.
Had me thinking this was on r/shitpostemblem lol
I unsubscribed from nearly every game-specific subreddit that I was subbed to, so much less negativity. I don’t need that sort of granular analysis that leads to dissatisfaction, I know what I like.
*This is an accurate representation of the Fire Emblem Fandom*
Fire emblem went to shit after radiant dawn
1/10. Played for 5 hours, barely saw any fires, or emblems. Hope the developer gets its shit together.
“You gotta play the game for 500 hours to have so many complaints.”
The worst part of any fandom is always the damn fans, now get off my lawn.
The two categories: games people complain about and games people don’t play.
r/NoMansSkyTheGame right now.
“Fire Emblem sucks.” = This person is not a Fire Emblem fan.
“Fire Emblem sucks and here’s a 15 page thesis as to why everything about it is awful.” = This person is a Fire Emblem fan, and has already preordered the next Fire Emblem game.
Who would ever think people who love something would care more for it and the things around it more than the people who arent fans of it. Youre going to be more opinionated about something you love than something you dont care about
“You can’t marry a child just to inherit their stats”. My whole Crusader King dynasty would like to disagree.
Yeah, people passionately discussing things they are a fan of is just *the worst.*
Most of you don’t know the difference between “fan” and “sycophant,” and it shows.
False, nobody’s talking about Edelgard.
This is why I am a fan of things, but don’t associate with fandoms.
Fire Emblem must have changed a lot since the GameCube days..
I would let the fire Emblem Fans cry. They turned a cool classic fantasy SRPG series into a shitty dating sim to stay financially viable…
Look how they massacred my boy.
“She’s 500 years old” imagine how many people convince themselves that children-influenced amine characters are free game since their animators gave them a fictional age 😑
I am thinking How can then they be called fans then if they hate the game? That’s just a question but i still know some are gonna be mad about this stupid question
Everybody else: Awww, a warriors game.
Me: yay! A fire emblems warriors game!