Friday, February 21All That Matters

9/11 2nd plane hitting – a video and angle I’d never seen before


  • You can almost hear and feel the innocence (or some might call it naïveté) of Americans in the initial reactions to that second plane hitting. It was a very different place before that day.

  • Well. Never seen this angle, but it almost missed, the plane is banking quite sharpley left in an attempt to hit the tower directly, but it still caught the corner of the building. Would it have made a difference?

  • My boss woke me up after the first plane hit. I had no idea what the World Trade Center was before that. I figured since she got me up it was a big deal. As soon as I went to the living room the second plane hit. Life has never been the same. Such a terrible inflection point in history.

  • As others have noted these people really did not comprehend what they were viewing. An attack like this on this scale was just not something they could comprehend. Were this to happen today the reaction would be utterly different.

    This is the attack that started it all. It gave way to all the conspiracy theories, the rise of the radical right, a degradation of civil rights and more. It has led us to where we are today. A long torturous path which I think is resulting in the de-evolution of America, which was the real goal of these terrorists. I won’t make this a political comment but the real start of the polarization commenced here IMHO.

  • This perfectly captures the confusion and amazement of what was going on that day. People talk about the sadness and the anger, as that is the victim’s perspective, but not many people talk about the surreal aspect of the attack. It was just weird and alienating; it felt more like a movie than hundreds and thousands of people dying in some instants.

  • Not an American but I remember this day. I grew up in India and we had quite a few terrorist attacks. 9/11 was surreal not just because America had a terrorist attack but because using planes to crash into two skyscrapers sounds outlandish and horrifying even today.

    It’s one of the few events that almost always makes me emotional because everyone of the people in those planes knew what was going on for a decent amount of time and had to process that while being completely helpless.

    Blows my mind that humans have such capacity for hate.

  • This video captures pretty well what most Americans felt that day.

    The first plane was confusing. We didn’t know what to make of it.

    The second plane was absolutely terrifying. Everybody instantly knew the entire country was under attack. Everybody knew at that exact moment that nobody in the country was safe.

  • new one for me and i’ve seen so many.

    The weird thing is when you mentally start tying them together so that as you watch one you kind of know what is happening off camera.

    At the beginning of this one you see the hole of the first plane and i know that right at that moment ‘the waving woman’ (Edna Cintron ..arguable) is on the other side of it waving for help.

    As it gets closer to the second plane you know that some guy is actually scaling down the tower, he was seen making his way down until the second plane hit where he wasn’t seen again.

    By far the worst videos i’ve seen weren’t even gory ones, just hard to watch. One where the couple film across the street in the hotel and see a body fall and hit the top of the stage. That one is hard to watch because you hear the bang and there is video of that stage from 9/10 where people were playing music and a crowd was outside. You just have to think that the person who fell onto it might have walked right by it the previous day and seen that band play.

    And there’s another where a guy gets real close and into the courtyard between the two buildings. Debris is falling down and he looks up to see some poor guy trying to escape flames. The guys office is right where the facade is broken and fire is coming out. He is struggling to find somewhere to go, scaling the outside facade.

    He goes back in and comes out again and seems to have tied something up to try to scale down but he slips and falls. The whole time the courtyard is playing this elevator music version of the ‘Bee Gees – How Deep Is Your Love’ while you watch the last minute of his life.

    fucking sad

  • It’s remarkable how after 20 years there are still new 9/11 footage coming out. Makes me wonder how much footage is still sitting in someone’s storage closet and never digitized.

  • I’m not gonna lie. I was in the office at IBM that day here in Canada and I figured the U.S. would Nuke whoever was behind this. To this day I’m shocked the Middle East still exists after this moment. Crazy and will never forget any of it.

  • I was an IT contractor on-site at some random school in Liverpool, UK. I was in a classroom installing new computers when a teacher poked his head in the door and said “Have you heard, a plane flew into the twin towers in New York, it’s all over the news!” I didn’t think it sounded credible, so I followed him to the staff room where everyone was gathered round the TV. Everyone was distraught and shaken, the second plane had just hit, and everyone stood there had witnessed it, live. It’s weird to think that such an enormous proportion of the world’s population were all watching live, and saw it happen, probably hundreds of millions of people.

  • I was a freshman in high school in Northern NJ. We could see the NYC skyline from our town. I remember the intercom coming on and the principle announcing, “As some of you may have already heard, a plane crashed into the World Trade Center this morning.”

    He went on to encourage anyone with concerns about relatives to come to the office, or to see your guidance counselor otherwise. The period ended and we all went through the cafeteria to change classes. They had rolled out TVs and the live news broadcast was on. The previous year, I had done an extensive report on terrorism, including the bombing of the USS Cole. I was standing around telling my peers this is a terrorist act and I’d bet money it was Bin Laden. It was at that point we watched the second plane hit.

    For the younger generation, they can’t look back and see the line that was drawn in time. The world started ending that day and we haven’t watched it yet any better. I’ll never shake the feeling from watching these videos that we live on the other side of a change that is impossible to completely explain. I’m sorry for the kids that have grown up in this world without knowing what our country was like before that day. We lived in a different place that is completely gone now.

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