I somehow couldn’t find a transparent sonic image but I found one for Alex Kidd. I don’t know how. If you have a transparent sonic image, I would like to have it
Alex Kidd had a nice story for the time. Much more interesting than “Save the Princess”. The game had its issues… Which were mostly issues of the time but it definitely deserved a longer history in the industry. I mean, if we have a bad Sonic game for every good Sonic game, we could easily have given a couple of chances/updates to Alex Kidd as well. It’s world and characters could easily have grown into Sega’s RPG equivalent of Zelda or Final Fantasy.
Anyone here ever play the SMS game that supposedly was available just by turning the power on with no cart or card? So many years with one when I was a kid and I never tried.
What is the master system game, where it was a sidescrolling (left to right) space ship where you can get power ups to modify your guns spread and type. The game was infinite as it just restarted after you pass the last level.
A similar thing happened with Capcom, though not quite the same. Capcom wanted to make a mascot, so they made a dude called CAPtain COMmando, which had a pretty popular arcade game, but the thing is, Capcom already had a character that was popular, Mega Man, who not only became their mascot, but hardly anyone remembers Captain Commando when compared to Mega Man.
I somehow couldn’t find a transparent sonic image but I found one for Alex Kidd. I don’t know how. If you have a transparent sonic image, I would like to have it
Alex Kidd was never good.
POV: you read Sonic’s part in his voice.
I can hear Alex Kidd in Wonderland bgm now!
My grand-father had a Master System in his basement so I actually often played this and a bunch of other MS games back in those days. Poor Alex Kidd.
I preferred Shinobi anyway, and I miss the Master System.
Oh to have owned a Master System…
Alex Kidd had a nice story for the time. Much more interesting than “Save the Princess”. The game had its issues… Which were mostly issues of the time but it definitely deserved a longer history in the industry. I mean, if we have a bad Sonic game for every good Sonic game, we could easily have given a couple of chances/updates to Alex Kidd as well. It’s world and characters could easily have grown into Sega’s RPG equivalent of Zelda or Final Fantasy.
Never played it. Played video games in the 80s though. PC only homies.
I see your Alex Kidd and raise you the /r/crappyoffbrands version of Sonic: [Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino’s Butt.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8dgHI3lP_g)
Alex kidd was just a game, Flicky is the mascot that Sonic overshadowed.
80’s gamer…no fucking clue.
I never managed to beat Alex Kidd. Gotta try now, 31 years later :3
Alex Kidd is so nostalgic haha
Anyone here ever play the SMS game that supposedly was available just by turning the power on with no cart or card? So many years with one when I was a kid and I never tried.
i got my trusty packard bell 486sx and commander keen on DOS, i didnt need any hedgehogs or plumbers
Alex Kidd. That’s an obscure reference, my bro.
Sonic CD has one of the greatest soundtracks ever
Hah! I got that reference.
Alex Kidd in Miracle World was my first game <3 <3 <3
I thought next to nobody knew about it!
Considering what sonic has been through, I’d say Alex kidd got off lucky.
This might be the place to ask this question:
What is the master system game, where it was a sidescrolling (left to right) space ship where you can get power ups to modify your guns spread and type. The game was infinite as it just restarted after you pass the last level.
This hurt me in my special area.
A similar thing happened with Capcom, though not quite the same. Capcom wanted to make a mascot, so they made a dude called CAPtain COMmando, which had a pretty popular arcade game, but the thing is, Capcom already had a character that was popular, Mega Man, who not only became their mascot, but hardly anyone remembers Captain Commando when compared to Mega Man.
Alex “Pray-one-hundred-times-until-the-gods-are-so-annoyed-they’ll-give-you-whatever-you-want” Kidd
gamed in the 80s…but never sega…wasnt interested
I had a SMS, but I never played an Alex Kidd game. Played the heck out of Wonder Boy and Wonder Boy in Monster Land, though.
What’s Alex gonna do, play rock paper scissors about it at him?
He was just a Kidd!
I’ll rock paper scissors you for the answer
I still love Bison’s version of this dialogue exchange in the Street Fighter movie more.
The rock, paper, scissors boss fights
Alex Kidd in Miracle World was the first game I ever played.