7′ 4″, 470 lbs: Imagine it’s your turn in the ring with Mr Roussemoff. WA state wrestler’s license application, 1978
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7′ 4″, 470 lbs: Imagine it’s your turn in the ring with Mr Roussemoff. WA state wrestler’s license application, 1978
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Title erratum: can’t spell the man’s name. He’s too intimidating.
Anybody want a peanut?
They charged him $7 instead of $3 for the application fee. Must charge by weight.
You know what they say about guys with big hands …?
Is that the guy from princess bride
That is so old, it was done under the name of the penultimate Republican Governor in WA State.
I went to college with one guy who was 6′ 11″ and 550lbs and another who was 6′ and 600lbs. I saw them both weighed on a cattle scale! So when I think about the heaviest wrestlers like Andre The Giant… *it makes me laugh!*
> Wrestlers
What was that story? He drank like 127 beers or something in one sitting at a pub from mid day until.like 10in the evening or something. Jake Roberts also said that when he was breaking in to wrestling he drove Andre to some shows and one drive Andre drank 48 bottle of beer in a 2-3 hour span and did not need to take a leak or nothing.
He’s got a posse.
“I don’t even exercise. “
I saw this record when I went to the archives in Olympia!
“He was 800 pounds and died a week after I ruptured my entire spine slamming him, brother.” -Hulk Hogan
Okay, all the love and respect in the world to this man, but what’s the deal with the handwriting? The entire thing is done in a gorgeous, swooping handwriting, until it gets to present occupation, and then it looks like a 4-year-old wrote “WRESTLERS”.
Recognized the Montreal area code instantly ha!
It’s by no means a confirmed story but a cool one.
My grandpa was part of a band many many years ago and they got a gig at a bar that would be a great pay day for them as there was a wrestling event that night so business would be great.
After a few songs they went to the back of the bar for a smoke break and there they saw Andre come around the side of the building, and he went behind an old Buick and he lifted the car from the rear bumper pulled it back and pushed it like a wheel barrow around the other corner of the building, chuckling the entire time. After he dropped the car off he walked back around and with a huge smile on his face he walked up to grandpa and the guys and said in his super deep voice, “you saw nothing” and went back inside.
Imagine being the one notarizing this document and looking at it being like, this can’t be right.
I was lucky enough to see him wrestle from the front row in ’89. He was always larger than life on TV, but you never get a real sense of just how huge he was until you saw him in person. He was truly incredible to behold. And his presence in the ring was astounding.
My grandfather once shared a flight in first class with him. Made a first class seat seem very small.
Interesting Andre the Giant fact. Samuel Beckett (French Playwright / Author) lived in the same town and would drive Andre his sibling, and other kids to school on occasion
Huh, didn’t know Andre lived in Montreal.
The Dread Pirate Roberts takes no survivors! All your worst nightmares are about to come true!
The Dread Pirate Roberts is here for your *souls*!
I’m from Olympia, WA. I never knew about Andre’s connection to my hometown. 👍

He weighed 520. Get it right
Wow. He’s 2’2” taller than me. Holy bananas.
His phone number is in area code 514. This in the area code for Montréal, Qc, Canada
You needed a license to fake wrestle? Weird.
I know andre was big, but 470? Holy shit.
His car in Montreal didn’t have a front seat. It was removed & he drove from the rear seat. Hard to really understand how big he was.
I am a big guy but Andre still has 155lbs and 1 foot of height on me. I can’t imagine being that big, it’s uncomfortable and inconvenient to just be my current size.
There’s a license to wrestle?
Anybody call his phone number?
Why they make him pay more? They charge by the foot or something?
Oh man, so I am a medical imaging tech, and when you put in a height and weight that doesn’t seem right for a patient’s age or whatever, the machine says it is not normal for patient demographics and asks if you want to continue. I once scanned a former pro wrestler with similar dimensions to this gent, and I got a message I’d never seen before, which said the dimensions were not FEASIBLE. Luckily it still let me proceed and he fit in the machine. I guess when you are this size, pro wrestling is a natural career choice!
Height and weight please?
7’4 and 470
Call in sick
An old friends dad used to talk about how he wrestled him in high-school.
That was that dudes peak lol.
The receipt saying “OK” is odd, quite interesting
Didn’t even *know* he lived in Montreal!! My hometown!
He wasn’t 7’4″. More like 6’11”-7’0″.
It’s not his fault being the biggest and the strongest. He didn’t even exercise.
My dad was working as a busboy, but covering a shift for the valet when Andre pulled up. He’d removed the front seat from his car and drove from the back seat, but had a lawn-chair in the trunk for just such occasions.
Clerk: Hey, why did you changed the fee down to 7 dollars mister…??!!
Ow, OK, this is approved!!
His head must weigh 50 pounds on its own. Imagine the size of his balls.
I’d hate to get stopped wrestling without a license
Jessie Ventura at 6’4″ and 250lbs said he had no idea what it felt like to be manhandled until he got into the ring with Andre.
Such a lovely man. Growing up, he was one of my heroes. I truly miss him.
Washington resident here. No idea this existed. Very cool!