6 months after this game has released and I’ve haven’t heard anyone talk about it anymore. Personally my game of the year.
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6 months after this game has released and I’ve haven’t heard anyone talk about it anymore. Personally my game of the year.
View Reddit by DanTheTee – View Source
We’re all waiting for the PC release.
Someone on here said this on another post and I’m just gonna straight up steal it because I feel it’s true, a beautiful looking boring game
I find it frustrating that Aloy narrates every little move. She’ll make a comment about what you have to do next, even if it’s walking through a door five feet away (“I need to find a way out of here”).
Extreme handholding and the constant resource gathering bring the game’s pacing down a lot and sessions get boring quickly.
Combat is still super fun and smooth but Aloy can be a bit grating.
I’m just glad they kept working on it, the patch they released a couple months ago overhauled the visuals and a month later they unlocked the frame rate.
Horizon is the series that always find the worst time possible to be released. Zero Dawn was released almost at the same time as Breath of the Wild, one of the best open-world ever made and a launch title for the highly anticipated Switch, and Forbidden West came out barely before Elden Ring, one of the fastest-selling game of all time and the first Souls-like to be open-world. I still haven’t played Forbidden West (I just bought the PS4 version last weekend), but Zero Dawn, while a good game, was so boring at time, they just put so many small quests and collectibles that I don’t care about, that’s something that I hate in most modern open-world, the game was really at its best when it focused on story and more linear parts. That’s a shame because the universe looks incredible, the graphics are phenomenal on the PS4 (even on the Fat model) and it really doesn’t do anything wrong, it just doesn’t do anything particularly original either.
I absolutely loved both games. The first one had me hooked from the second I got it. Played it every waking moment I had. The dlc took too long to come out, but I also loved the second game. The story was amazing on both, and I was enthralled. I love the combat and the whole robot animal idea a ton. I can’t wait for the dlc for this game. Just wished legendary mods were more attainable
Unfortunately it had to compete with elden ring, it also just wasn’t nearly as interesting (for me).
The first one got boring quickly for me and nothing about this one reeled me back in.
Finally, the devs were little cry babies about elden ring doing better than horizon.
They got pretty cringe.
Because it came out the same month with the Elden Ring, the most anticipated game of the year, no amount of quality could overcome that level of hype.
I mean, Horizon FW is a good game, however Sony seem to be overconfident to put the release date like that!
Tbh i loved the game when I started playing it, but then after some time it was just a beautiful game that got repetitive and boring.
it’s a single-player game. It’s been six months. People moved on to the next games. Even the internet breaker that is Elden ring died down. Only Multiplayer games really stay active on general subs like this over and over because they get constant updates. Doesn’t speak to the quality of the games but that’s just how it is.
game is extremely boring and mediocre
Still waiting for it to come to PC
I can talk for years about it not being available on PC.
Waiting for the PC release
I can’t wait until it comes out.
I wish I could play it. Bring in the PC port!
Hope it will arrive on PC sooner than the original game did.
How is that one? I played the first one that came out and absolutely loved it
Aloy is annoying just stfu
Aloy does enough talking for all of us.
Same. Amazing game, definitely got me more invested than Elden Ring
The game is being talked as inferior to Elden Ring, Ubisoft-like bloated world and nothing else.
A fun and beautiful game with an extremely forgettable cast. Just like the first game, I don’t really care for the characters. The facial animations are really good though so they at least feel more real this time around.
but looks great.
you can do better 🙂
i remember playing the game at release for about 4 to 5 hours straight and then shutting it off for good because i was annoyed and extremely bored. never even thought about picking it up again since then. big disappointment because i really enjoyed the first one. its a beautiful game, but thats about it.
I swear the only thing i heard about the game was that “Aloy has a fat face.”
I’m just waiting for it to come to Steam / PC
They forced linear means of progression of the levels, combat and puzzle solving, in an open world game. I don’t get how this game can be anyone’s GOTY but you do you.
Good game but the first one was better. Elden Ring GOTY for sure, unless maybe Ragnarok…
I still have to finish the first one…
I loved the game but honestly I had more crashes on a PS5 during release week than I did with Cyberpunk on a base ps4. That was enough to take it out of my Game of year and Elden Ring being phenomenal didn’t help it’s case
It’s on my Todo gaming list after remastered PS5 spiderman and Spiderman Moraled, Hot Wheels Unleashed, Kena, Forza Horizon 5 DLC, AC Odyssey, Ascent NG+, End of Horizon New Dawn The Frozen Wild, Uncharted The Lost Legacy.