53 years ago, Mel Brooks won Original Screen Play. Oscar ’69.
53 years ago, Mel Brooks won Original Screen Play. Oscar ’69. from funny
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53 years ago, Mel Brooks won Original Screen Play. Oscar ’69.
53 years ago, Mel Brooks won Original Screen Play. Oscar ’69. from funny
View Reddit by mintjiminie – View Source
Solid gold
I like how Mel Brooks ran to the stage instead of doing the fake “who? Me? I won?!” Kinda reaction everybody does
Whose the comedian with Frank?
Class acts all around
I’d also like to thank Gene Wilder.
Today’s “talent” doesn’t and will never measure up.
69.. nice
Men who knew how to be stars.
Don Rickles was a legend. The man would Roast Mob bosses in a crowd and get away with it.
“I’ll just say what’s in my heart. Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum.”
Was surprised to see he’s gonna voice a character in some animated movie that’s gonna come out. Thought he was long done with doing any work for movies.
I would really have liked to watch this one. I hate reddit’s video player. It only works maybe 25% of the time. Always upvote Mel though.
Love Mel Brooks but hate Don Rickles. Don made it all about him and left Mel little time to make a speech. Arrogance.
Then, out of the crowd came Burt Lancaster to smack him across the face so he KEEPS HIS NAME OUT YO MOUTH
And yet at this point in time Will Smith has more dignity and respect as a toddler than he does in 2022
You cannot more original than “Blazing Saddles”…
“When I heard them read my name, and the applause erupt for me through the whole theatre, I thought that was it. I had really made it. I was Mr.Showbiz.
“But then I heard the orchestra start up, and they weren’t just playing for me- they were playing my song!
“The Academy’s orchestra was playing ‘Springtime for Hitler’, just for me, in the middle of the biggest show in the world.
“That was when I knew I had accomplished something.”
-Mel Brooks
And now we get Amy Shumer, Wanda Skykes and people literally assaulting others in stage.
Thank you. Mel is a gem as always. And just once to get Roasted by Don Rickles.
Wouah Don Rickles plays in Casino, as de Niro’s manager in the Tangiers.
Never thought he could be so funny
Back when the Oscars were actually entertaining
Gene Wilder, Gene Wilder, Gene Wilder ❤️👍
Wait Oscar’s used to be actually funny…
Don Rickles would have *REALLY* roasted Jada. He was a legend.
How many riots would there be if Blazing Saddles was on cable😆
And 53 years later we have Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, what a crazy thing award ceremonies are