$315 worth of groceries in California. Gets me through the night.
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$315 worth of groceries in California. Gets me through the night.
View Reddit by giro_di_dante – View Source
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Lol 3 bottles of wine/champagne, crackers, and cheese? I like you already…
That looks like a great night! Enjoy!
Could’ve gotten about 6 dozen eggs instead
I like the way you live. Alcohol and snacks. I can only afford miller lite and hot cheese puffs
Lol crackers from New Zealand, they’ve been on quite the journey to get to California, should try some NZ wine next time, we’re not bad at it.
Sharkoochyy board night
Go ahead and wine about it, whydontcha
Thousand day aged Gouda with crystals… Mmmmmmmm
looks like you don’t enjoy pooping
This is why I like southern Europe. With 300€ you’d be making a deli platter the size of a person and throw 2 bottles of good wine in there too
Where is the Grey Poupon
That’s a lot of cheese for just three bottles of wine.
Is this some sorta flex on us slum dogs?
I don’t see olives, a fresh honey crisp apple or red pepper jelly. B-
Throw in a kielbasa with some honey mustard and I am GAME
Ok we get it
Those Gummies from Sugarfina were probably about a quarter of that.
Frasier should have stayed in Seattle
Where’s the Natty Lite and bologna
You should post this to /r/Cheese. We can relate.
I dated a woman who ate like this. Like, this was her entire diet.
Where’s the caviar? Pauper..
Wheres the coke bag
Ha good taste tho
Mimolette is so fucking delicious.
Now this is food satire
Fellow moderately rich person here. I see you.
Is that one those “Goop” candles that smells like Gwyneth Paltrow’s Vajajay?

“It’s getting real in the Whole Foods parking lot!”
No Caviar or Pate? How droll.
Wtf are champagne bears? Rich people gummy bears?
Maybe don’t shop exclusively in St Helena or Calistoga then. ;P
I have to make 315 dollars last about a month in Australia for groceries for my two kids and I.
Can’t remember the last time I had something like that.
The orange cheese is Mimolette, it’s rind is formed by letting cheese mites feed on it for several years.
This is the best version of this so far
That’s not nearly enough crackers
OP I am laughing at the sheer bitterness of some of these replies. Man there are just some mean, salty people up in here.
I guess if you live in a flyover state and the only cheese you’ve ever eaten comes in a pack of 50 singles, you probably arent finding much joy ( or humour) in life.
The only rule of charcuterie boards is: get things you like.
Looks good, op. My wife and I do “adult lunchables” once a week. Half the fun is finding new local wineries to pair with our local cheesemonger. (Yes, there is an actual cheesemonger near us. It’s rad.)
[who i imagine you might be](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ3MTIwMjU2NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzU5MjU1MjE@._V1_.jpg)
I am not from the US though I enjoy wine and cheese – any chance of a price breakdown so I can compare 😀
Come live in France, all of this is just free here.
Bruh…. Did you go to freaking Eataly??
I hope you keep it classy and hold your pinky out when consuming it. Remember, [“the higher you hold it, the fancier you are.”](https://youtu.be/4usr4zzqLm8)
Well alright, but I’d just like to point out that if you got high, on say, legal marijuana, that food and booze would most certainly taste better.
Charles Boyle?
Honestly I want the kind of financial stability where I can buy $315 worth of fuck around food
I love the satire of this one rather than the other bland ones.
Someone needs to buy like $2000 of pretentious shit and post that.